-Chapter 9-

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THE NEXT MORNING, you woke up in your bed, curled under a soft blanket that was trapped in the warmth of your body

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THE NEXT MORNING, you woke up in your bed, curled under a soft blanket that was trapped in the warmth of your body. Sun peeked through your curtains but not as much as you would like and your old clothes were changed into a red tank top and sleep shorts.

After the car sex with Aaron, you didn't remember coming into your apartment so he must have carried you. Sudden heat fled to your cheeks of the thought of him changing you. It was weird how he could see you naked but it still had an aspect of embarrassment.

You stretched out your body and thought about what Brown had said.

'You would no longer have to work at the BAU'

This was the hardest decision you had made in a while. Either way you would be hurting someone. If you didn't take the job, teens would crumble under pressure , but if you did, the team would lose an agent.

Despite the fact you started at the FBI at only eighteen, you never grew tired of the bullpen buzz with fresh paper copies and pens drafting notes.

What should I do?

Before you could get another thought in, your phone rang with Claudes' contact. Your brows furrowed in confusion. She never calls you unless it is work related.

"Hey" you greeted, forcing the phone between your ear and neck.

"Hey Y/n sorry it's early but we have training with Jade and Atlas. Brown says you need to hurry and get in" she explains.

You groaned in response looking at the time that read six o'clock. Your legs were still extremely sore from the weird positioning with Aaron. "Can't I skip it? We might have a case."

"Sorry you can't. And stop worrying so much about the BAU. This is your real job, remember?" there was a digest in her voice.

It wasn't unusual for them to have it when talking about the BAU. Even Jade does it, though she never notices. Sometimes it pinged your heart. She was true, it isn't your real job so why worry about it so much? However, you have spent four years there. The moment you turned eighteen you were thrown in.

"Claude, it's my cover" you say.

"Whatever just get in here before Brown gets on my ass" she says before hanging up. You flopped back down into your bed, scanning your eyes over the blank walls. Now that you think of it, your life is truly miserable.

Each day is the same. Wake up, go to the BAU, come home, go to the capitol. Recently Aaron has been throwing that routine off guard with his scandalous fiasco. Well more like yours. You decided to get up from bed and throw on some workout clothes for training.

The department gives you these ugly PT clothes with your assassins number on the corner but you never wear them. Putting your hair up, you grabbed your things and made your way out of the door.

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