-Chapter 14-

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MORE GUNSHOTS RANG through the air before you could fully distinguish what had happened

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MORE GUNSHOTS RANG through the air before you could fully distinguish what had happened. Your heart pounded in your chest.

He was angrier than before.

It was just after dark when your parents left you here. You didn't know how or why, more or less what this place is. No words could explain the fear that ignited inside of you like a fire made of matches.

Your mother used to say that you should never show weakness, that is what makes you vulnerable. You never believed you would be in a position to listen to words made of venom.

"What is the code?" the man demanded. You hadn't learned his name in the short time you were with him. Blood trickled down your collarbone.

He had already sliced you open once, it was your choice where. "I don't know what you're talking about," you whispered.

It was a lie. One that you would bury. Before leaving the capitol they told you a code. They said never to reveal it. That was before some snatched you up. The cut was deep and he did it slowly to prolong the pain.

Part of you thought you would be saved but you didn't have anyone. Simply parents who dropped you off to the government and some random group of teenagers. Even your own parents didn't want you, they never said why.

Your brother went missing when you were younger, that's when you stopped remembering your childhood.

A hard slap was forced across your face, "I know you know. If you don't want to tell me I'll force it out of you!" he screamed, slashing your arm.

No emotion was shown from you. Your mother would be proud. Deep down you wanted to cry, and beg until your voice was horse and your mouth was dry.

"I would've told you by now" you coax out.

"You're such a worthless bitch!" he screamed. You flinched at his words and took a deep breath. Your hands were bound behind you in zip ties.

When you were younger you taught yourself how to break free in case you ended up like this. It was the sad reality of this world and loneliness was worse. The man eventually got tired of you not saying anything and stormed out of the room, leaving his gun on the metal table by your wooden chair.

You didn't scream for help, even if that is what you wanted. It's all you could think about as you tightened the zip tie with your teeth until it was cutting off your circulation.

"This better work" you whisper to yourself, holding your arms up and taking a deep breath.

Next, you forced them onto your knees, pulling them apart at the same time. Your wrists were swollen. You moved onto your legs and untied the rope. You didn't know if this was some kind of test or not but you need to get out of here. There was a camera in the top left hand corner that you avoided eye contact with.

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