-Chapter 10-

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WHEN YOU GOT HOME there wasn't anything to do other than looking over the files with the new students transferring into the department against their will

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WHEN YOU GOT HOME there wasn't anything to do other than looking over the files with the new students transferring into the department against their will. Aaron always occupied a small bit of your mind while you looked it over.

Taking this would eliminate any professional reason to him. Yes, it is selfish but your whole life has been about pleasing others that it annoyed you how quick you were to nearly drop the promotion.

Brown was a handful to work with as is so you couldn't see the point in actively torturing yourself. At this young of an age, you couldn't even qualify for the job without the board, so what was really going on?

Lately, you felt like secrets surrounded you and you were casted into the dark to fend for yourself without knowledge. Your eyes scanned over that kid from earlier, his name is apparently Avery Little. However it could be a code name hence the way you had one just coming in as well.

His eyes were a deep brown, his hair slightly curly and sat perfectly on top of his head. There was no doubt he was around eighteen or nineteen just by looks and his small nose. You wondered what gravitated you to him. Of course it wasn't sexual but you just felt as if you had seen him before.

You were pulled out of your thoughts with a knock at the door. Sighing heavily, you glanced at your hand, walking over to see who it was.

To no one's surprise it was Hotch. He told you about his little visit earlier, however that didn't stop your reluctance to open the door. There wasn't a way to get past the fact he suspended you today for no reason. Being late wasn't an active reason and frankly it only angered you to see his face now. Fixing up your hand wouldn't change that fact. Your wound suddenly felt on fire with the thought.

"Fallon?" he grumbled through the door.

You screwed your eyes shut and wandered to another head space while listening to the echoing pounds of his fist.

"Fallon open the door! I know you're here!" he persisted.

"Technically I don't have to let you in" you grumbled with a mocking tone.

"I need to make sure you are okay" he retorted.

You scoffed in disbelief. "Was that before or after you decided to suspend me Aaron?" At this point it was becoming heated.

Honestly having a fight through your apartment door wasn't the best thing you'd done in your life but certainly the least impeccable. Fire caused your veins and stormed your thoughts allowing the next words to slip out.

"Maybe you're just here to get into my pants again, hm? Is that why you're here Aaron? Is Haley not satisfying you?" it was wrong to say, and he wouldn't let it slip past you for the next month.

"I told you earlier-" he started.

You cut him off before he could say something else, "-Just because you bandaged my hand Hotchner doesn't change the fact you still suspended me!"

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