-Chapter 17-

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THINGS FELT FAMILIAR  as you say in Brown's office

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THINGS FELT FAMILIAR  as you say in Brown's office. He was oblivious to what it was like when you were last here. Even after five months you avoided this room at all costs for your own good. Now you had to come clean, possibly sweeping Aaron under the rug as well.

You didn't want him to be in trouble but it was almost inevitable. Though there was so much at risk, you longed to protect him if that meant you being in more trouble.

Truthfully you need revenge on Brown after the hell he put you through. Today you tried to formulate a plan that wouldn't work out in the end. Telling Jade would only have put you more at risk however you needed to find your brother and if kidnapping and torturing Brown would get you that, so be it.

"Y/l/n, you need to talk?" Brown says, waltzing into his office like a showman. You gagged internally.

"Yes I did." you said confidently. You weren't going to break down like you did with Aaron. Brown doesn't intimidate you as much.

"Get on with it then. I don't have all the time in the world."

You rolled your eyes, "My cover was blown by a couple of enemy relations". Using that instead to get you out would put you in less trouble as well as Hotch.

Brown stood looking at you with a dumbfounded face. You shrugged your shoulders like it was nothing just to piss him off. Using an enemy would be an easy justification as to why someone looked into you, rather than your fake boss, slash lover.

"How did this happen!?" he yelled.

"The drug lord I assassinated. Afterwards I suppose someone looked into me. He was dead right after I went, anyone would be suspicious of that," you explained. "Also he had people on his back, loyal people who wanted answers."

You mentally patted yourself on the back for that lie. You were still scared something like that would happen but that mission was nearly a year ago, so it went to the back of your mind until today.

Brown groaned frustratedly, running his hands through his hair. Clearly he was mad about this, and you saw the contract, he had to dismiss you. You couldn't help but feel excited to finally be away from all of this.

"Do you understand what this means, Y/n?"

"No sir..." you lied shamefully.

Deep down you knew that if he let you go, it would also mean an easy trigger that could lead back to you. For now, the plan was in the works- if there even was a plan. You were still debating on whether or not taking him would be smart. After all he is very powerful but after everything you need a release.

"Y/n, according to protocol once an assassin's cover is blown- they are to be discharged. Unfortunately these rules do also apply to you. All of your accounts was be wiped clean-"

You interrupted him in a panic, "What do you mean by my accounts?!"

"Bank accounts. Your money was made in the program and you belong to the government. That money isn't yours" he explained.

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