-Chapter 24-

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RIGHT NOW, IT WAS SURREAL. With you standing in the middle of the BAU, you could feel your heart busting out of your chest with anxiety. Your feet were glued to the ground as you got briefed on the breech. At some point you need to text Jade. By now she sees everyone pulling in, that's inevitable.

JJ was giving you the side eye the entire night and you wanted to slap her, very, very harshly. You couldn't sadly but you have her a hardened glare back whenever she did it.

Aaron was calmer than usual now that you were here. Navigating the capitol was your only job for them so you would have time to find Jade, wherever she was, and let her know what's going down. You didn't know how tonight would end.

There were two options.

Being dragged out in handcuffs or Jade being dead.

Once the briefing was done, everyone started heading out of the BAU. Just when you began to leave the round table room, Aaron pulled you back inside.

"You know I love you" he whispered, pushing loose hair behind your ear. You shrink under his feathery touch.

"Of course I do."

"This will be over quickly and we can get back to the hotel and do whatever you want. I'll spend the rest of my life making this up to you."

You rolled your eyes playfully, "It's not that big of a deal anymore."

It's the biggest deal.

"Aaron, I trust that you can protect me from my past and I wouldn't have that any other way." you started, "And you've already made it up to me."

His lips twitched upwards a tiny bit, "How is that?"

Inside you were hurting but he did save you in a way. There was no reason for him to try and prove himself for the rest of your life because him simply loving you was enough. "For believing that I'm not my past."

Deep down, you still had that blood in you. Later, if it has to be shown then so be it, but right now you need him to never feel like he didn't give you enough already.

His gaze moved to the floor and he placed a kiss on your forehead. He said that you need to go get ready and you agreed. Together, you walked across the bullpen, all the way to the garage to get the SUV's.

The team was already down there, vests tightened around their bodies, guns holstered on their hips. Emily gave you a quick smile and Derek put up two fingers as a greeting.

"I'm glad you're here baby girl. We are still a small team" Derek laughs.

The team didn't  know the real reason why you were here, but it helped that you were even present, an extra force for a different team. Aarons eyes were already in you, phylogeny profiling you for unknown reason.

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