-Chapter 13-

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WERE YOU RIGHT? Scenarios run through your head for every reason you should just kick him out now

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WERE YOU RIGHT? Scenarios run through your head for every reason you should just kick him out now. One, your cover could be blown, but he did say it was only for one night. Two, you really want to sleep with him again and that isn't good for your sanity. Three, you still hate his guts.

Once the mission with Harper was over you wondered if you should've taken the promotion. Now that you have turned it down and you got fired, what is there left for you to do? Nothing really. Missions only come every once in a while and Aaron is only here for a day, hopefully.

"Did you sleep okay?" you asked, running a hand up and down your arm. You let him stay in your bed and you slept in the guest room.

There were too many things that could incriminate you in there, that was something you didn't want to risk.

"Fine. I could've slept in the guest room. This is your house," he insisted. The gray t-shirt he wore hung to his muscles.

"My bed is more comfortable and you had a big fight, it just seemed like good hospitality,"

"It wasn't that big of a fight, Fallon," he says.

"It must've been if she kicked you out." Finally you stepped fully into your room, shutting the door behind yourself.

Grabbing the extra pillows on the floor, you gathered them and set them on a chair in the corner. "She is just being selfish," Aaron persists.

Only the smallest sliver of sunlight shined through your curtains, however you could still see the blank expression on his face as though he was waiting for it to happen, pleading for it to.

"That's what you probably think." you shrug. "What would you like for breakfast?" you asked, quickly changing the subject. You didn't want to cook him breakfast in the slightest, this entire morning had already seemed off in a way.

"Pancakes and bacon? I can help cook it" he says, flinging the covers off his body. "It's the only thing I know how to cook since Jack was born."

Jack. You shuddered at the scene of him losing his child that your brain made up. You always thought it was weird how your brain could picture images like a tiny TV that only your eyes could see. Pancakes didn't seem good at the moment.

"I might have some mix" you smile light heartedly.

You motioned him to follow you into the kitchen, he obliged. It wasn't everyday that you ate breakfast, but it was a better start to the day, maybe to turn around the nauseous feeling in your stomach. After a minute of looking through your cabinets, there was none to be found.

Inside you were smiling, outside you were frowning. "Looks like I don't have any, I'm sorry Aaron" you lied. You wanted him out of your apartment more than anything.

His bubble was invading your space and you wished you hadn't thought of him coming back to you because now it seemed like punishment. Breathing the same air seemed like punishment. All you ever did was sleep with the guy so it was weird to be so annoyed with him.

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