-Chapter 4-

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IT WAS HARD TO BELIEVE that just you were about to do this

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IT WAS HARD TO BELIEVE that just you were about to do this. Looking down you saw the cement floor under your black heels. To a naked eye, you look like a secretary for a huge drug lord that you were set out to kill.

This wasn't the scariest thing you've done, but you often remind yourself of what you here for and how you plan on getting away. You scanned your badge through the enormous amount of doors with passcodes and hand prints. Instead of dwelling on how the department hacked the system for you to get in, you continued on your way down the hall of the large building standing at 100 floors tall.

Occasionally you would say 'morning' with a large smile, to a few passing men to seem friendly and powerless. The gun and five knives strapped to your thighs were anything but comfortable, downing your mood. A grim look took over your face as you walked closer to your targets office.

Security cameras swarmed around you like bugs. You kept a straight face while knocking on the wood door. A faint 'come in' came from the other side.

You glanced at the security camera knowing your team was watching. "Hello Mr. Faith, I'm your new secretary, Y/n Y/l/n" you smile. moving your hand to shake his.

"Yes ma'am, I've heard so many good things about you" Faith mocked. You gritted your teeth through the fake smile plastered on your face.

"Where can I get settled sir? I would like to work right away" you lie.

He shows you to a desk that is set up in the corner of his office, thankfully. This would make your life so much easier. You settled down with the same cheery look on your face to conceal any suspicion. You could feel his eyes glance at you and run over your body similar to Hotch, but his made you extremely uncomfortable.

Logging into the laptop, you saw an encrypted file. Your head ran through the possibilities of what the password could be. According to your real boss, 'get the information, kill him, leave.' Nerves coursed your veins ever since you were in the car with Hotch and the bar. This mission wasn't adding to solution. Usually you never get this nervous, but having such a powerful man sitting in front of you with people on his back sent shivers down our spine.

"So do you have any kids?" you asked in a high squeaky voice to forge a your innocence.

He leaned back in his chair with a scowl, "Why do you need to know?"

Shrugging innocently you said, "Just trying to get to know my new boss is all".

Every man falls for the innocent act- that's how you know they are really stupid. The second they see a girl with batted eyes lashes and a smile, they fall to their knees like worshippers. Frankly, it's quite pathetic. They use your body for gratification to their own egos.

"I have two daughters, Lilian and Marie" he grumbled a before turning back to his computer.

You nodded and typed in: LILIAN&MARIE492. Considering his badge number and daughters, the file unlocked with all of the information to trades. Slowly, you stuck in a flash drive and allowed everything to transfer over with quietly humming a non coherent tune.

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