-Chapter 5-

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"HOW?" you whispered back

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"HOW?" you whispered back.

Your breathing was erratic just like the pool. Now the whole act you had on for being 'good' flew out the window the moment his hands touched you. His other hand was attached to your hip. There were so many unanswered questions that drove you crazy. Everything was moving too fast for you. Just a few days ago you kissed accidentally in a pool and now he is in your apartment- in the dark saying it wasn't a mistake.

Truthfully your head felt like it wanted to implode. Why would he be so cruel for so many years just to show up like this? It angered you more than his snarky remarks did. Desperation was overfilling your senses; clouding your thoughts and making you weak to your knees.

It's ironic how you said those things about men when really, you would do the same for Aaron without your knowing.

"Say the words and I will walk away-" his ran under your shirt, gazing over your stomach. You sucked in a breath. "-but if you want this, you have to say it".

"I don't know what I want" you stuttered out. His head dropped into the crook of your neck, lightly sucking and biting down on the soft skin.

"Yes you do."

Hotch was right, it was horrible when he was right. Just for a second, you allowed his touch to consume you fully from your head to your toes. It was a warm feeling something similar to content. Maybe you were content with what was happening. You wished you wouldn't give in so hard.

"We could hurt so many people"

"Not if this is what's supposed to happen Fallon" he cooed.

"Are you sure?"

"More then i've ever been"

"Okay" you whispered.

You gave in. You could feel the smirk spread across his face against your neck before he holstered your around his hips.

"I was hoping you'd say that" he grumbled, putting you body against the couch. He climbed on top of you.

Air was rising rapidly to a heated temperature whether you were hallucinating it or not, you couldn't ignore the foreign feeling. Sex wouldn't fix the fact you were upset and confused, only mask it. Tomorrow it would create a void that didn't seem as important right now.

His hand ran over your breast slowly until it met the base of your neck. Giving it a gentle squeeze, his lips finally crashed down to yours passionately.

Right then you accepted what was going to happen and allowed the fact you wanted it to roam your body. It felt like fire when his hands touched your skin.

"I've been waiting so long to do this" he nips at your ear before moving to unbutton his shirt. The dark blue fabric hung to his skin tightly. His tie was already discarded on the floor somewhere.

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