-Chapter 11-

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WHEN YOU WALKED into work this morning, there was an unfamiliar atmosphere of exhaustion

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WHEN YOU WALKED into work this morning, there was an unfamiliar atmosphere of exhaustion. This job overworked people, no question, but today seemed as though it was worse than before.

Plopping down at your desk next to Reid, your eye caught the letter sitting on top of the files that had piled over a few days. It had no return address and was sent to Fallon Russo. You didn't know why you believed it would be sent to your real name if it had been placed on your desk, yet whenever something like this happens it never fails to render a sense of nervousness.

"Hey Reid" you greeted with a smile.

In return he gave a small nod and pressed his lips into a fine line. You had given up talking to the team for the most part, though you badly want to be friends with them.

Hearing about team game nights and drinking when you weren't included hurt.

"Did you see who put this on my desk?" you asked kindly.

"No sorry," he replies, pushing the glasses up to his nose. "Probably the mail lady."

You shook off the dismissive tone in his voice and turned on your slow computer. After all it is 2005 and technology isn't the greatest outside of the capitol.

Last night after Aaron left you felt sad. You wanted to be wrapped in his arms safely while he whispered sweet things to you like the bathtub. The way he looked at you when you said you wanted him to hurt you made your muscles stiffen. Perhaps you scared him away from you.

Would it be such a shock if it was only a three time thing? Three times seems like a lot.

You tried to remind yourself that you both had lives and if a relationship were to bloom it would be built on corrupted lies that you created and withheld. No relationship should be like that. One day if he found it, he wouldn't believe the person who stood in front of him was really you just under a different name.

"I hope we have a case today. My brain feels like it's on overload." you laughed quietly, attempting to strike any conversation.

"JJ might have something," Reid shrugged non-coherently. He was busy writing away on files rather than typing them up.

You always admired the way he steered away from computers and cellphones. You leaned back in your chair and scanned the bullpen showing on a few people excluding the team.

As it was on cue, JJ waltzed out of her office. Her blonde hair was shining against the yellowish light coming from the old lamps and her blue outfit with white cardigan complimented her skin.

"We have a case. It's a bad one," she announced.

"How bad?" Derek teased.

"Florida" she says with a small smile. Everyone got up from their seats and made their way to the round table room with ease.

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