His Loss, My Gain (Mephilver) Pt.1

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Silver's P.O.V

I was so excited! Today was probably the best day ever! Oh right, you don't know. You might be a bit confused but, Infinite said he wanted me back as his boyfriend! Yeah... we did break up at one point. And I know everyone says never go back to your ex. But- he's not like that! Plus I can't help myself. I was beyond upset. But now maybe he sees that it's worth it! After all, he did leave me a letter in my locker telling me to meet him there after school!

All my friends noticed my sparkling mood too. I didn't tell them since they would try to stop me. But thankfully, my goal was set! During my free period, I was able to make a present for Infinite to show him how much I cared.

At last, the bell rang and I rushed out the door! My locker was halfway across the building so I had enough time to think about what to say. To be honest, I was still speechless.

What will his reaction be? Will things be better now? I sure hope so... I mean... he wouldn't ask me to hurt me on purpose. Right? No! Of course not! As I reached my locker, my heart only fluttered more! This was the moment! I was really close. A few were blocking my view but I know Infinite was going to be there early. I pushed past someone else and saw a glimpse of Infinite's black and white fur. "Infinite!" I shouted. But he didn't hear me.

I was about to shout again when I saw someone running up to him. It took me to realize it was Gadget who was running up to him and leaping into his arms. I stood back, a hint of jealously nipping at my heart. Oh, calm down Silver! They're... probably just catching up with each other... 

But my feelings proved me right as I watched them give each other a look of passion. It was a look that only lovers give to each other. I-It has to be a mistake! He would never just-! I was wrong again as I watched them kiss right in front of me. It was a passionate one... just like Infinite used to do for me...

Their simple kiss then turned to making out in front of me. Seeing and watching every second of it made my heart crack in two. I felt a tear fall down my cheek realizing that all of this... must've been a trick. If he hated me... he was good at showing it...

Anger fueled me as I crushed the gift that I had spent so much effort into making. The box now smashed into a ball. I then picked up a crumpled piece of paper from off the ground. Feeling more angered, I threw both items right at them.

"Ow!" Gadget cried.

"Ow! What the hell! Who-?" Infinite snapped, looking around until he laid eyes on me and his whole expression changed. "Silver?" he asked softly. He began walking towards me. "Silver, what's wrong?" He put his hands on my trembling arms trying to calm me down. My hand balled up into a fist. Out of fury, I punched him right in his eye. He jolted back with a yelp and covered his eye immediately.

"Silver! What'd you do that for!?" Gadget cried, assisting Infinite.

I was furious. How could he be on his side! "You know what? Screw both of you! I thought you were my friend! But you're just a backstabber!" I shouted at him. "What? Silver! I-I..." Gadget began to whimper. "We're no longer friends!" I snapped once more, getting close to his face as I possibly could. Gadget sniffled, began to sob, and nuzzled into Infinite.

"Look, Silver, I don't know what your problem is, but leave Gadget out of this!" Infinite snarled, baring his fangs at me. My heart broke some more. Wow... he really has moved on...

"You know what Infinite... I hate you... I really fucking hate you. I already know you hate me just as much! There's no point in trying to win you back because you're not worth my time! You already broke my heart! You didn't have to make it worse you bastard!" I cried. "S-Silver? W-What did I do? What happened?" he whimpered, his ear flattening against his skull. "UGH! And you still want to play games! Dammit, why wasn't I enough?! I HATE YOU!" I yelled before running off. "Silver wait!" he pleaded. But I didn't want to hear it. I ran down the halls.

Quickly, I ran into Mephiles and Blaze who were walking together. They stared at me as I continued to run towards them. "Silver! What happened?" Blaze asked frantically. I tried to get past them but both of them blocked me. "I want to be alone!" I sobbed. "Silver! Tell me what happened!" Mephiles begged me. I stared at him before reaching into my pocket and pulling out the note from Infinite. "He played me!" I wailed again. "WHAT!" I heard Sonic and Scrouge run up to us.

Blaze hugged me. "Silver, it's going to be ok..." Scrouge reassured. My heart hurt and I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran off and down towards the main doors.

Straight out into the open. Tears blurred my view as I ran farther into the woods. I ran to the only place I could go when I felt so alone... wishing that this was all a bad dream... A really bad dream.

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