Try Again (Infidget)

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My legs... trembling.

My arms... sore.

My body... weak.

My heart... broken.

I fell to the ground once more out of frustration. I growled, hiding my face from the nurse. "Hey, it's okay! You lasted longer than you ever have this whole week!" she replied. I didn't look up at her at all. "Infinite... C'mon... Just get back up and we'll try again!" she said, trying to encourage me. "Just leave me alone Carrie!" I snapped. She looked away and nodded her head. "Okay... But don't think we're done yet."

She wandered away leaving me to stand at the walking station all by myself. I had gotten in a major car accident. It left me brutally damaged in the spine. As a result, I needed surgery. The impact left me having to relearn how to walk.

But my pathetic self could barely get past 10 steps. I felt tears blur my vision and I managed to get to a chair and just sat there. It didn't help that my boyfriend just broke up with me realizing how badly I had been impacted. Apparently being there for me was "a big distraction" for his social life.

I cried and buried my face in my hands. I was so ashamed.

Before all this, I was someone strong, and confident, and wasn't afraid to face any struggle out there. Now... here I am in a rehab center and I could barely walk. The pain was too much and I decided to head out while the nurse wasn't around. I sat in my wheelchair as I wheeled out of the area. I headed to the hang-out area where others like me had their main source of entertainment.

But to me, it was just a spot to get away from everything so negative. I stared out the window hopelessly. Nothing was going my way anymore. I sat in my chair watching the others outside happily walking around on their own two feet without a care in the world. "That'll never be me..." I expressed, trying to hide my face once more.

Everything was quiet to me. I barely paid attention to anyone around me.

Nothing was able to faze me out of this depressing trance.

"Hey, are you okay?" I turned around. To my surprise... my heart suddenly fluttered.

In front of me was a bright red wolf with glasses in a nursing outfit. "Uh... Yeah..." I said at last. "Oh okay! Well, I was just gonna see if you wanted a glass of water or something!" he replied. I don't know why. But I felt... better. I couldn't even tell if he knew how upset I was. "I mean... I guess... Don't feel like you have to." He smiled and walked away soon returned with a cup of water for me. I took it, taking small sips.

To my surprise, he didn't walk away. He had a worried look in his eyes. "Do you need something else?" I asked more aggressive than I meant for it to sound. At first, he shook his head but then looked at me again. "It's just... I've... I've never seen you around before. I-I get shy sometimes but I thought coming here would help me break out of my shell. I've been here almost four months. I know pretty much everyone... I wanted to be sure you were okay..." he said.

My cheeks heated up and I looked away painfully. I heard him barely gasp, startled by my reaction. "I'm fine." I growled, biting my tongue to prevent myself from crying.

"You... You don't seem fine." he replied calmly. "I can always tell... The news ones always do what you do."

"Oh really? And what do the new ones always do?!"

"Sit by the window all the time? Feeling helpless? Always angry at everyone? Life's never going your way? Sound familiar?"

I looked at him in shock. "Trust me, you're not the first!" he reassured. "Well... I didn't ask for any of this. Besides what do you know? You just met me!" I snapped. "I know enough to know that you just want someone to feel like they see you. To have your back.

His eyes brightly reflected off of the window's light. I eased up on my tension and he pulled up a chair to sit next to me. "So... what are you in for?" he asked me. "Car accident... surgery... can't walk..." I said quietly. "Have you made any improvement?"

"Not really... Unless you call 10 steps before falling improvement... Yeah, I guess. But it sucks! I can barely stand without feeling my legs tremble. It hurts..." I said, feeling tears fall down my cheeks. He handed me a tissue. I didn't take it. "It's okay to feel hurt. But don't give up! I had a friend in your situation... He felt so depressed all the time. Eventually, he got the hang of it. You've got to keep trying." he told me.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. "I can't do it..." He huffed and stood up from his chair. "Come on." he ordered. "What?" I asked, not sure if I heard him correctly. "Come. Follow me." He began heading out of the room. Wondering why he was telling me to follow him, I rolled close to his side all the way to the elevator where we got on. We went down a few levels and I followed him once more to another room.

Before I knew it, we were back in the therapy room. I knew what he was doing and I began trying to roll out. "Nice try! But there's no way you're backing out of this."

Nervous. Scared. Embarrassed. My feelings every time I came in here. I felt him push my wheelchair towards the walking station. He helped me up even as my legs trembled. "Just do your best." he told me, carefully helping me adjust. As soon as I got on the bar handles, I took a deep breath fearing the humiliation of him watching me.

And yet... I took one step at a time. I held it together despite every step being painful as I tried holding back many yelps. At one point, I felt my legs give up. I fell forward before feeling two hands catch me, supporting my weight. "Woah, I gotcha!" he replied. I felt tears begin to prick my eyes. "You don't have to help me..." I growled softly. "Yeah well, something tells me that you haven't had someone to help you in forever." he replied.

I started to say something to defuse that idea... Except it was true. I held onto him as I felt my body wanting to stand up all on its own. I held onto his hands and began to start over again.

Soon, I was doing the one thing I couldn't do for so long. I was walking. Even though my legs were weak, I felt motivated, walking toward the red wolf who had stood by my side the entire time. My legs soon gave out and he caught me once again. I was out of breath. "Wow! That was awesome! I knew you could do it." he smiled. I smiled, feeling tears prick my eyes once more. "You have no idea... how long I've been waiting for someone like you." I gasped. He chuckled. "I think I have a pretty good idea..." he said.

"We'll keep practicing. Thanks for letting me help you Infinite." he said, hugging me warmly. My ears perked up at those words. I hesitantly hugged him back, trying to figure out this new feeling.

Eventually, we stood up and he helped me back into my wheelchair. He helped me get back to the elevator where we started to go back up. "H-Hey... Thanks. I wanna keep doing this. But with you! I don't know why, but you make the process so much better. You understand. Please, could we do this again?" I asked. Once again he smiled. "Of course. I just want you to be happy. I'll be with you every step of the way, literally. Don't give up now." he said, nuzzling me.

My cheeks burned red. For once... life wasn't horrible.

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