Echo (Silvaze) Pt. 1

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Blaze stood on the balcony of her apartment staring out into the sunrise. She had bags under her eyes but she still remained strong. She looked down and stared down at the bundle of joy in her arms. Her son Echo looked up at her with loving eyes as he reached out to try to touch her face. He giggled and made Blaze smile as she tickled his stomach. "Good morning to you too!" Echo flailed in different ways while giggling. She checked the time to see it was almost 7 a.m.

"You must be hungry aren't you?" she asked the small child. Echo mouthed on a chewing ring that she gave him and chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes!" Together they went inside the building and secured Echo in his high chair and strapped him in to make sure he didn't try to tip himself over. To start him off, she sprinkled a few Cheerios on his little tray and watched him squeal and discover his food. She then got more food started up in the microwave. When it was done she returned to the kitchen where Echo had scattered the cheerios everywhere. "Oh, Echo! You're supposed to eat them you silly goose!" she told him sweetly, making room for the bowl of food she had made.

Echo noticed this and stared at the spoon of food that Blaze scooped. "Open wide! Here comes the airplane!" she told him, waving it in the air before delivering it into Echo's mouth. Her son chewed his food before clapping his hands. After he was done, Blaze helped to clean him up before giving him a pat on his back. Echo burped and yawned subtly before reaching out for his mother to pick him up and hold him once more. Blaze didn't refuse before holding him close while giving him tons of kisses. "Feel better now huh?" she asked him.

They went into the main area where she placed him in a play pin for him to stay in. She grabbed her laptop and went into her inbox and other open tabs she had to try to look for a job. Their bills were beginning to pile up and she needed to find a way to make extra cash for her son to have a roof over his head. Echo squeaked as he rolled to one side while clutching a stuffed lion in his hands. Blaze smiled softly while also rubbing her face. "How am I supposed to do this?"

Looking over to her side, the envelope marked PAST DUE sat there. It was the only time she'd been late on rent. And that was only because Echo had an emergency doctor's visit that turned out to be more expensive than it should've been. Her phone rang and she looked over to see that it was Rouge and Amy both trying to FaceTime her. Obviously, she picked up to see her two friends face the camera.

"Hey, girl! What's up?!" Amy exclaimed, greeting her. "Not bad. Got up about three hours ago. Echo had somewhat of a rough night." she told them. "Oh hun, I'm so sorry. Do one of us need to come over?" Rouge questioned worriedly. "No, we're fine! Really, I'm doing fine. It's just been a long night but I'm fine. I'm still looking for a job to try to find enough money to pay this month's rent. I haven't had much luck. Helping Mobius forces only gives me so much." she sighed. "Blaze, I told you I would give you money!" Amy cried. "Amy, no. I couldn't possibly ask you and Scourge for another loan. You two do enough for me already." she sighed. "We know you're capable of taking care of yourself and Echo. But please... don't hold your pride for you and that baby to go hungry or homeless you hear me? You two need any help you can get. Especially since he's only getting bigger." Rouge told her.

Staring at her son who reached for his toes, she folded her ears and picked him up. "I know but... I just want to teach him that I'll always be there to take care of him. He's still a baby and I want to be sure he gets all the proper care. I can manage... I'm going to go look for a job tomorrow. Could one of you come over to watch him while I go out?" she asked them. "Of course! I love that little dude! I'll be there tomorrow!" Amy cheered. "Same here hun! Tell him his favorite aunties are on the way! We're always here for you hun." Rouge told her.

Relieve the purple cat smiled and let them see Echo over the phone. "Ohh! Hiii! He's so cute!!" Amy squealed as Echo pawed at the phone. "Say I love you, Auntie Amy and Auntie Rouge!"

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