STOP THE WEDDING! (Sonuckles) Pt. 1

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At the church in the village, the friends and family of Sonic the Hedgehog and Infinite the Jackal. Though many weren't too sure about this, they decided to be supportive seeing the two so content. Sonic's closest friends were helping her prepare him for the big day. "Omg! Sonic you look so pretty!" Rouge geeked seeing her friend all dressed up. Sonic looked at his quills and smiled at the tightly braided pattern.

"I love it! Thanks! I love the suit too! It fits well with everything else I've arranged for this day! I'm so glad you guys are here." Sonic said before trailing off. Only Tails noticed something off about his friend. "Hey! Can everyone give Knuckles, Sonic, and I the room?" he asked their friends. Everyone agreed and began exiting the room. Once they were alone, they glimpsed at their blue friend. "Sonic... You look so... distracted. Are you okay?" Tails asked. "Oh! I'm sure! I just... I think I'm nervous!" he replied.

The two friends exchanged a look before looking back. "Whatever it is... It's okay to talk about you know that right?" Knuckles asked him. "I know! But I swear. It's wedding nerves! Don't stress so much!" Sonic reassured. "I'm always going to be worried about you! I care about you!" Knuckles snapped without realizing what he said.

He then felt himself turn red. Sonic even felt himself barely turn a light shade of pink. Tails knew about Knuckles' feelings. Okay, I better give him the room! "I'll- be outside!" he said and escorted himself out. Once gone, the two sighed. "Like he said... We're here for you. I'm here for you! Don't get me wrong- I'm happy that you're happy with Infinite and everything! But... I just want... I want your own happiness..." Sonic smiled and put a hand on Knuckles' muscular shoulder.

"Thanks! You've always been such a great friend Knucks. Thanks for being my best man today!" he replied. Knuckles felt his heart clench knowing his friend was going to be someone else's forever. He nodded his head gravely and forced a smile. "Of course! Friends are there for friends right?" he responded.

Friends. If only they could be more he thought.

After another private moment between the two, he left the room. For a moment, tears spiked in his eyes but quickly flicked them away knowing it was all for the best. Tails and Amy walked up to him worriedly. "You gonna be okay Knucks?" Amy asked. Knuckles nodded and tried his best to smile. "Of course! He's happy! I... have to be happy for him too you know?" he said sadly. "Don't worry! I'm sure you'll find someone else to be happy with!" Tails reassured him.

"There's plenty of fish in the sea! Besides, with your luck, someone else will cross your path!" A few minutes later and the entire gang decided to move down the hall. As they walked, they stumbled across Shadow and Charmy. They stopped noticing this odd behavior. "Oh gosh, Charmy, what are you doing?" Espio huffed. "Sh! Quiet!" Charmy said, holding his ear to the door. They looked over at Shadow for answers.

"Don't ask. He's been at this door for a while now. I've tried everything to get him to move but he's insisted on staying right here." Shadow said. Rouge walked past everyone to get to the boy. "Charmy hun, why don't we check out some of the other things around here! And perhaps move away from the door?" she said to him. "Shh! Not now! This is important!" he snapped. "So important that you're blocking the hallway?" Silver questioned. "Yes now shut up!"

Only when they looked at the door did they become more concerned. It was Infinite's room to prepare for the wedding. "Charmy! You're being a snoop! Just c'mon already!" Blaze begged. "I would! But there's something off about that Infinite guy!" he said. "What do you mean? Sure he's been earlier than the rest of us but he's here!" Vector replied. "No no! I mean that- I watched him walk into the room with some others... Others that weren't a part of the groomsmen... Or on the guest list!" he said.

That's when they all got concerned. Despite Charmy's childness, he was good at keeping up with guests and how many were attending today. He would never just make something like this up. "So what are they saying?" Shadow asked. "So far... They've said some things about Sonic I'm concerned about."

Soon everyone put their ears to the door wondering what was going on. Inside the room, something was going down.

"Infinite this isn't right. If you don't love him you should say something! Let Sonic be happy! You're being a selfish asshole right now!" a voice that sounded like Mephiles' replied. "I know what I'm doing now shut up! If you're loud, one of his imbecile friends might hear us!" the voice of Infinite snapped. "For once, I hate to agree with him. Even this is going too far! Marrying someone who loves you just so you can use them? You're not in love!" another voice that sounded like Scourge's.

"Besides that, you've been with someone else! You've been cheating on him this whole time! No one is going to win in this situation! You're marrying him for the status! That isn't fair!" Mephiles snapped again. "I'm not gonna argue with you two! Either do as I say or I'll make the one you love pay the price!" Infinite growled. It was silent for a minute. "You're lucky your threatening Manic's life... Or else I would've put your sorry ass in a coffin a long time ago!" Scourge growled.

"Oh shut it. Maybe that'll teach you to be less snoopy. If you didn't get into things you didn't belong in, I wouldn't be threatening Manic or Silver. Yet here you are, helping me, and dealing with these consequences. Now if you don't mind, I will need a charge in order to harness Sonic's emotions so that I can control how he feels and ensure he'll never leave. We'll always be together. I'll maintain a title. You both can live your lives as you please. Everyone else will be clueless about what's going on. And I have you to thank for continuing this image. So as a reward from tonight, I'll be more than happy to leave your little hedgehogs alone. But mess me up today... I promise you both it won't be good." 

The crowd outside was shocked by what they heard. "Now if you don't mind, I have a wedding to prepare for. So get lost." Infinite ordered. The gang knew what this met so they dashed around deciding to get away from the door. Just in time too. Scourge and Mephiles walked out of the room with a gloomy expressions. "Mephiles... we can't let this happen! There's gotta be a way!" Scourge whimpered. Mephiles shook his head. "You know we can't... Not with Silver and Manic in the line of fire." he sighed.

Both of them walked together down the hall. That's when they were blocked by Silver who had his arms crossed. Shocked, they jolted before settling down. "S-Silv! You scared us! What are you doing here? The wedding's gonna be starting y'know!" Mephiles replied, trying to cover their tracks. "Cut the bullshit." Silver snapped. Taken back, they stared. "I overheard along with the others what's going on. What. The. Hell!" Silver snapped.

Soon everyone else surrounded them making sure they couldn't escape. Knuckles then angrily grabbed Scourge by the collar. "Now tell us- What is he planning?!" he snapped. "L-Look! We didn't have a choice! He'll hurt Sonic's brother and Silver!" Scourge cried. "I'll do worse to you if you don't tell me what's going on!" Knuckles responded, roughly shoving him into the wall.

"Okay okay! He wants Sonic so he can be in a major status! It's all about being able to be a part of the Royal family! If he marries into the family... He'll also be considered a Royal... I'm pretty sure it's about power... We don't know too much. The only reason we were able to find out was that we caught him making out with another girl. To think Sonic puts so much effort into a relationship that Infinite doesn't care about..." Mephiles explained.

Knuckles loosened his grip on Scourge and sighed. Then he let go of him while thinking about everything. I'm not gonna let Sonic get married to that bastard who doesn't even love him. "We've gotta stop the wedding." Knuckles said. "What?! W-We can't just do that!" Blaze cried. "Do you have a better way? We've gotta save him!" Tails cried. "No! We can't! Not with Manic and Silver on the line!" Scourge snapped. "Last time I checked, we could take care of ourselves! We'll talk to Sonic first... We've gotta stop this!" Silver said.

"Then we shouldn't keep the faker waiting. C'mon." Shadow said, everyone, going after him. Only Mephiles, Scourge, and Silver remained in the hall. "Scourge... Give us space." Silver demanded. Scourge nervously left Mephiles standing there. Then it was just the two. "Listen... Silv... I wanted to say something to Sonic- I did! But I wasn't going to risk you! I won't! I can't!" Mephiles ranted. But was stopped as he felt a pair of lips meet his muzzle. Silver backed away leaving Mephiles stunned. "Shut up and let's go!" he said.

That's when they sprinted off to go stop this from happening.

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