A Miracle (Sonadow)

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*Quick note: This following one was inspired by Encanto. I hope you enjoy!

The night was calm and quiet. It was an eerie moment considering the terror they had just fled. Just a while ago, everyone was chased out of their home because Eggman sent fleets of robots and followers to get rid of everyone. Everyone managed to escape alive. But the trip was now long. Shadow and Sonic gathered the rest of their things, along with their children. Both of them sighed after packing the last of their things.

"Ready?" Shadow asked them. "As much as I'll ever be." Sonic sighed. Shadow walked over and gently took one of the babies from Sonic's grip so he wouldn't have to carry much.

Once again they sighed and they picked up the rest of their stuff. As they headed out, everyone else met up with them. "Are the forces ready?" Shadow asked his bat friend. "Guarantee hun. We need to get moving... Eggman's only closing in on us." Rouge replied to him, her own little kids following her closely. Amy raced up to them. "Lookouts spotted three robots closing in. We've gotta get out of here!" she informed. Shadow nodded and they began to head out. Slowly but surely they managed to grab everyone. Sonic walked close to his mate's side. "Are you sure about this?" he asked. Shadow sighed and nuzzled and kissed each of his kids. "We don't have a choice... I'm not risking my family." Shadow replied.

Knowing it was for the best, Sonic gently kissed Shadow and let a tear roll down his muzzle. "I know. I'm ready." he said. Nodding his head, Shadow led the way holding a white emerald that led them down the safest path it could find. Sonic's closest friends Tails and Knuckles walked up. "Everyone's safe and accounted for. Let's get this ball rolling!" Knuckles declared. Without any more hesitation, they began walking forward.

The journey was long. There were boulders, wide streams, and brushes that were so high even Rouge had trouble seeing above them. Everyone had to do their very best to keep up. Shadow and Sonic took turns keeping up with their three kids. One looked very much like Shadow, her name was Maria. Another looked very much like Sonic, his name was Bolt. The final one looked like the two of them, his name was Eric. But there was something more that they had to be crucial of.

Another reason Shadow became so attentive was that Sonic was carrying their fourth child on this trip. It wasn't easy. "Hey, let me know if we need to stop." Shadow said. "Shadow, we can't afford it! Every single time we stop is a chance for Eggman to close in on us! These are our friends and family. We have to get them out of here." Sonic replied.

A little while more and they approached another hill that they'd have to climb. "Tails, Knuckles," Shadow ordered. "I need help, carry my kids. I gotta help Sonic." he ordered. "Don't worry! They'll be safe with us!" Tails reassured him and they began heading up. Gently, he picked up his husband and carried him all the way to the top trying to be careful. When they got to the top, he placed him down to go back and get the rest of the crowd going.

Once again as they tried to move along, there would be the occasional sighting of a low threat robot. Thankfully it would quickly be destroyed before they could track the whole crew and wherever they were going.

Hours went by and still, they hadn't found a place where they could settle that was away from Eggman. Sonic felt himself growing tired with every step. During the walk, he tripped and almost fell if it wasn't for Shadow who caught him. "C'mon, I've got you. We're getting closer... I can feel it..." Shadow reassured. "Oh, Shads... I know you have high hopes. I love you I do, but sometimes I wonder if you're just telling me that so I have false hope." he sighed.

"Sonic I wouldn't dream of doing something like that. I'm not lying to you, I can feel us getting closer. I just don't understand how we're not there." he replied. "I promised you and our children that I'd protect you with everything I had. That won't ever change." he told him. The two smiled and shared a quick kiss. Suddenly, they heard screams. "THEY FOUND US! THEY FOUND US!" someone shouted in the crowd.

In a panic, everyone began running and scrambling for safety. Some fell back to help everyone get to a safe space. Looking behind them, robots, soldiers, and weapons followed after them. Screams filled the area. Eggman laughed evilly as he watched the event unfold. "Rouge, Tails, give me something to work with!" Shadow told them. The two flew up and looked down at the scene. "Oh god..." Rouge gasped. "There's way too many!" Tails exclaimed.

Running out of ideas, Shadow could only think of one thing. "GO! GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE!" he shouted. "But Shadow!" Tails cried. "Don't fight me, Tails, now go!" Shadow snapped. Rouge felt tears weld up in her eyes and hugged her friend. "Let's get them out of here." Rouge ordered. Tails nodded and the two ran forward. Sonic looked at Shadow painfully. "Shads..." he gasped.

Eggman and other villains approached them and the trail where they were trying to lose them. "HA! YOU WON'T ESCAPE THIS TIME!" Eggman declared. Shadow knew they didn't have a lot of time. "Sonic... stay safe... Keep the others safe. Keep my kids safe. I love you all. I couldn't have asked for a better life... Go... I need to know you'll be okay!" he begged, pushing his forehead against Sonic's. "Shadow stop talking like that... We need you! I need you..." he begged. Shadow smiled and nuzzled him once more.

He then took the liberty and kissed each one of his kids. Then gently kissed Sonic's bump that was growing out just fine. Finally, he kissed Sonic passionately on the lips. He savored the moment knowing it was his last. "I love you. Take this... It'll guide you to the new home. I love you all. I have to make sure they don't get to you and the others." he said. "Take care... Sonic the Hedgehog..." he sighed. "N-No... Shadow!" Sonic cried.

Seeing the villains approach, Shadow put on a brave face and raced towards them. "HAHA! You will lose!" Eggman snapped. Shadow growled and gnashed his teeth. "You'll have to get through me first." he growled.

The villains surrounded him and began fighting each other to the death. "SHADOW!" Sonic yelled painfully, watching Shadow lose the fight. Shadow was knocked down to the ground, a metal piece being stabbed into his chest. Shadow once again mouthed the words I love you to his family. All three of their kids were asleep to the horror and cooed even after Sonic cried out in agony. "SHADOW! NO! Please..." Sonic sobbed. He felt the grief overwhelm him seeing his mate close his eyes.

In spite, he dropped to his knees, the Emerald rolling down to the ground. He cried out feeling the pain sink in deep. The anger, sadness, and love came out in his final cry. The villains began to charge him seeing the hedgehog in distress. But then, when all hope seemed lost, the Emerald began to glow, turning from white to green and giving off a radiant beam. It blasted and sent everyone flying back unexpectedly.

They were out of sight as a part of the land began to break off. Before they knew it, Sonic felt the ground shake and something began to lift them up into the air. It settled at one point into the sky, hovering above forming mountains, lakes, and lands that could suit everyone. Then the Emerald settled in one spot that allowed the place to stay in motion.

Worried about him, Rouge, Knuckles, and Tails raced back to see what was going on. They found Sonic wiping the tears away from his face and staring up at the Emerald in awe. He stood up carefully looking at his friends. They caught their breath knowing they were safe from everything down below. Sonic breathed heavily as he approached the Emerald. The sight of it made him look down at his kids who stared at him with knowing eyes.

"He... He saved us... Shadow... Shadow saved all of us... I... I love you Shadow..."

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