Mission Failed (Sonadow) Pt.3

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Shadow's P.O.V

Ugh... My damn head...

As I tried opening my eyes, I felt my head trying to split my head open. Whatever hit me, hit me hard. I slowly opened up to see myself in a dimly lit area. I was in a corner aside another room where others were standing around talking. Ugh... Please not a hospital...

I tried moving around. That's when I noticed I had been strapped to a chair with all sorts of things.

Okay, so not a hospital. That's some good news. But why am I here? Where even am I? I better get double for this...

I adjusted myself to get a better view of the next room from the doorway. I saw the shadows of about three people. I swiveled my ear to get a better angle of their conversation.

"I'm just saying! We shouldn't keep him around if he's seen your faces already! I mean you said it yourself! He's a cop! And he's managed to get a hold of you already! No offense, but I doubt you're going to be able to keep away from him! He's hella fast! The media's already got your photo all over the internet! What are they gonna do when there's confirmation that you really exist!" one voice ranted.

"Knuckles has a point. If we don't destroy him, he could be a liability to all of us. Besides, it's a G.U.N officer. Killing him won't mean anything to us." another said.

"Uh- I think you're forgetting that G.U.N's the same group that's managed to catch that dude in the first place! Confirming that one of their guys is dead is going to land us in even more trouble!" the young fox child snapped.

There was a brief moment of silence. I looked down at my ankles. They might've used special cuffs to keep me intact, but they used ropes for my ankles. I scoffed. I ignited my shoes slightly while watching the small flame begin burning them away. "We need to be careful, the last thing anything of us need is for some edgy hedgehog that's a ripoff of Sonic to get in the way of whatever we've done so far!"

"Relax, Knux, I've got it handled! I mean he's locked up in there so far right?" the Sapphire bandit cried. Or should I say, Sonic? Interesting name indeed. My ropes were finally freed around my ankles. I could now move them more to hopefully melt the interesting device around my wrists. I began to melt it off slowly while trying to keep up with the conversation. But this thing was heavy! Did they really think I was going to run off very far if he was right there? And kill me? Please, I'd like to see them try.

All of them were suddenly talking over each other. Typical.

This is why I work solo.


I looked underneath my seat to see a huge piece of the restraint fall on the floor. I sighed feeling the release let go of my wrists. I held my breath. Nothing happened. More importantly, I don't think they heard anything. I gave a breath of relief. I stood up and brushed my hands ready to face them.

The next thing I knew, something was shoved into my face.

"Don't you move another muscle." An albino hedgehog had shoved a gun in my face. I glared at him while giving a huff of annoyance. "You know, if I didn't wanna stain my jacket, I would've snatched this so quickly." He only shoved it harder into my temple. I just crossed my arms. The others surrounded me quickly. "How the hell did you manage to get them off?" one of the voices asked me. "Should've gotten a higher quality restraint. I'm not easy to keep!" I scoffed.

The one in front of me smacked me across my head as hard as he could. I cried out as I fell to the ground. I turned around to see all of the glaring down. I groaned as I sat up better. "You might as just give up, there's no way I'm giving up a good bonus. And being the only one to capture the Sapphire? Hah! That's a lot of potential opportunity coming my way." I huffed, staring at them.

This annoyed the Albino since he ended up kicking me to the ground. The Echidna then put his foot on my chest, weighing me down. I grabbed his ankle and tried to pull it off. Couldn't though, he was stronger than my expectations. The fox put something else on my forehead and pressed a button. It beeped before he picked it back up and read what it said. "Hm, I was right. He does contain Chaos Emerald energy. But I'm not sure how he's hanging onto it though. He doesn't have the Emerald with him."

I rolled my eyes, flopping out onto the ground. "This is by far the most humiliating thing I've been through. And trust me, I've done a lot on the job to get where I am." I sighed, flashing a smile at the Sapphire. I swear I could see a hint of red on his cheeks. I chuckled. "You know, if you really want to torture me and get answers, you're going to have to try something better than that." I scoffed. "You underestimate our capabilities?!" the Echidna snapped. "Yeah, actually-" Before I could respond, he growled, pushing his foot in harder. I gritted my teeth in pain. "Knuckles cut it out!"

The Sapphire stared down at me and then softly pushed his buff partner off of me, allowing me to get off the ground and brush myself off. "Thank you! Now, back to my point-"

"Oh shut up! The only reason I'm letting you stand on your own two feet is because I think there's a way we can help each other. Now either help us or I'll let these two deal with you. Trust me though, they won't be any nicer than I am right now."

I peered behind me and saw the other two companions glaring at me. I raised an eyebrow. If it weren't for how cute he was, I might've strangled him by now. I stepped a little closer to his side. His ears folded slightly while I still saw a shade of red form on his muzzle. "Alright, what kind of deal are we talking about?" I asked curiously. He nodded to his companions to relax. "We're using that Chaos Emerald to power a machine that we stole from another Mob Boss a few weeks earlier. Tails here discovered that your body is able to handle the energy from the Chaos Emerald we stole. Help us to restore it, we'll let you go alive and we'll stay away for a long time. Refuse, and I can promise that you'll be lucky to walk away with all ten fingers."

For a moment I thought about it. Considering there was no way out of the situation currently, it wouldn't hurt to get involved. Especially since I could find out more. "What's in it for me?" I asked. He seemed taken aback. "What? You can't seriously expect me to do something like this out of the kindness of my heart, can you? Even you taught me that. Come on, give me something worth doing it for other than threatening my life." I told him confidently. Everyone in the room stood there stunned. I didn't think it was that much to ask.

The Sapphire rolled his eyes and showed me the Chaos Emerald. "If you help us... we'll give you this back," he replied. "Sonic- what are you doing?" his two-tailed friend cried angrily. "And whatever else you want, I can get for you too!" he added, desperation in his eyes. "Are you crazy!" his Echidna friend shouted. "I'm doing this for us!" I stood there surprised. "Well well, I didn't expect this much. Clearly, you've got something going for you,"

With the tension in the room, he squeezed his eyes and then released a sigh. "Look... Do we have a deal or not?" he snapped. I tapped my chin for a minute and then smiled a sly grin. I held out my hand for him to shake.


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