Mission Failed (Sonadow) Pt.1

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Hey everyone! I'm back! I might not be very consistent but I'm gonna try! Life's been very chaotic but here we are anyways. This was a request. It'll be kinda of long but anyway, on with the one shot.

Shadow's P.O.V

"Thank you for coming to meet us on short notice Shadow."

I scoffed, sitting down in my spot at the end of the table, and dropping my bag on the ground next to my chair. "Did I really have a choice?"

They didn't react to my remark. Instead, an assistant nearby typed something on her tablet. She nodded her head before turning to my headquarter's manager. "We wouldn't call in your assistance if we didn't need your help. After all, with your reputation, we'll be lucky if we don't get noticed by the press." he commented. He adjusted his glasses before staring me down. "The point of this meeting will benefit you and us. Not to mention it'll give everyone here at home some piece of mind."

Annoyed, I made several circles with my finger to hurry along to his reasoning. Damn, I hate people not getting to the point.

"We've received footage from cameras on the city streets that a criminal dubbed by media as the "Sapphire Outlaw". He has proved to even our powers that we are no match for his skill," The woman hit a few things on the tablet before it projected several videos and photos onto the screens around me. "This individual is beyond our control. He's exhibited powers that aren't anything we've ever dealt with. Some even wonder if he's more powerful than you. However, there's one thing that concerns us. Hardly anyone can keep up with him. His speed is something even we have trouble keeping up with his current locations."

He then turned to the screens where it showed several videos. I watched closely seeing that he would instantly dodge attacks from people, security guards, and other authorities with ease. He even dodged the famous fat bastard himself from all the weaponry he unleashed. I shrugged. "Why is this my problem?" I asked. "So far, the government hasn't had the need to go after you. But the two of you look very much alike. If they catch wind of this, they'll most likely go after you. And since you have a habit of disappearing and running off without us, there's not a lot we can do to save you from isolation. But if we have your help, we can confirm that you're working for G.U.N forces without anyone having to question you."

Turning back to the video footage on the screens. I could only watch as I saw the slow-motion action of a blue hedgehog. He looked nothing like me. But knowing these idiots, they won't get it right. Thank goodness my well-being is on their tab throughout this time. I grumbled thinking about how long this could take though.

"Fine. Whatever. It's not like this could get any worse."

Others approached me to hand over all the paperwork needed to aid me with my case. "The file sent to you on your phone is the information on the details of this outlaw's last location. Find him, capture him, and bring him back here. Do it as quickly as possible. By any means necessary."

I didn't respond as I grabbed the papers and my bag before heading out the door. I had to force myself not to say anything or else they might go back on their agreement. Whoever this "Sapphire Outlaw" is, I'm gonna kick his ass for making me work overtime in this bitch.

~ A few days later ~

Sonic's P.O.V

"Are you sure about this Sonic? You've never exactly done a stealth robbery like this before."

I looked back up at Tails who was busy trying a rope to the end of a post on top of the roof. "Please! Have I ever messed up before?" I asked him. He lifted an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes in response. "C'mon! Only once!" I scolded. "Twice,"


"Once in Mexico when we pulled that diamond heist and both Knuckles and Silver had to save us from an international prison that almost had our identities. And another in Vegas when you managed to pull off that robbery of the evening with our rival gang Eggcore. Now can you really blame me for being concerned that you robbing a museum of London's and the World's most expensive gems where it also has the highest amount of security?"

After hearing that I suppose he had a point. "Okay so maybe I've been rusty from time to time. But that doesn't mean anything! We need to skip town again. I've played my own cards riskier than usual." I told him. "By risky you mean having your face on the news for the first time in forever." Tails scolded. "Shush! I get it! But you must admit, they know how to get my good side!"

Tails rolled his eyes. "Are you going in or not?" he scolded. "Yes yes! Is the security down?" He turned to his laptop posted nearby and typed a few things. "Alright, it's turned off. It'll be down for about forty minutes. You better hurry, this one's so complex I don't know if I could get you out if something goes wrong." I nodded my head and peered down at the opening into the dark hallway. "Sounds good. I'm going in! Don't have too much fun without me!" I said, winking at him before jumping down.

Holding onto the rope I began heading onto the Museum floor. I kept an eye out for anyone who might've been lingering around in the rooms. I lowered into the area. I put one foot on the ground before scanning one more time. "Seems good enough for me."

I began racing across the Museum back and forth trying to find out where they were keeping one of the biggest gems ever. The Chaos Emerald.

Tails and I have been plotting to take this Chaos Emerald for years now. Except we've never had the courage to until now. It's one of the most powerful elements and we plan to take over more land and other places with this. Maybe then those of this world will finally respect "freaks" like us. Remembering the layout of the museum, I managed to get through the different exhibits. I gasped coming upon the display.

This was real... It was happening. I stared at the gem that kept shining brightly in front of me. I chuckled to myself seeing all my opportunities in front of me. No more being afraid of the world around me. "Dude hurry up!" Tails scolded from my earpiece. "Alright alright! Pushy much?! Geez." I grumbled pulling out my extraction device. I made sure it was angled correctly before sending it out towards my prize.

I smiled wickedly as it came towards me. I held the gem in my hand briefly before reaching inside my backpack for something. I had a replica of the exact gem and placed it on the pedestal as quickly as I could. I chuckled to myself as I gently tossed it in my hand before turning around while whistling. "Don't worry, got the prize in my grasp right now. Heading your way." I reassure him in my earpiece. I didn't get a response which was a little odd but it didn't seem bad. He was probably making adjustments to the advancements we had. I reached the previous spot before grabbing onto the cord. I reached the top and hauled myself out.

"See, didn't I tell you I had it? I swear you always doubt me! Anyways, I got it, what do you want to do to celebrate?" I asked.

Suddenly my heart dropped.

Tails struggled in a stranger's grasp. His mouth was muffled by a gloved hand as he struggled against them. He was trying to tell me something but couldn't do anything except deal with the vise grip this stranger had. I felt energy starting to course through my veins. "Ah ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you," he warned, placing a gun next to my best friend's skull. Tails stopped struggling slightly before staring at me with wide eyes. I paused as I stared back in horror.

"Here's what's going to happen, you drop that Emerald and come with me back to G.U.N headquarters. Or I'll kill you and him with one bullet."

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