Catch Me (Knuxouge) Pt. 3

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Knuckles was shoved into a room by two bodyguards who left the room just as Rouge walked inside. She giggled silently as she took a seat on her stool in the dressing room in front of a mirror. "To be honest, I didn't think anyone saw me leave the museum tonight. But you've got guts. I'm impressed." Rouge told him as she applied more makeup on her face. Knuckles didn't say anything just stayed on the ground.

Finally, he worked up the nerve to say something. "Look you seem nice and all, but you're still a criminal. I'm gonna need those Emeralds back!" Knuckles demanded. Rouge laughed and put everything away. "Sorry hun, I can't do that." she replied. Angry, he stood up, marching towards her. "Listen here miss, I don't know who you think you are! But I'll have you know that where I come from-" Knuckles began. Rouge rolled her eyes, spun around in her chair, and stopped him with her foot. Stunned, Knuckles just stared at her leg that touched his chest. "I know exactly who you are, Officer Echidna. Despite you being a cop, I'm not scared of you." she replied, turning back around.

She then stood up and walked to her closet searching for something more comfortable to wear other than the sophisticated dress she was wearing. She picked out a shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Knuckles blushed getting a close-up at who she was. She tried to reach back to unzip the dress but she couldn't reach it. "Could you help a girl out?" she asked Knuckles.

"I suppose so." he replied going up to her. He helped to unzip it, exposing her bareback which made him look away quickly. Rouge thanked him and went behind a folding screen with the rest of her clothes. Knuckles forced himself to keep it together in the room. There was a knock on the door. "C'mon in hun, it's open!" Rouge replied. Shadow entered the room noticing the bright red Echidna was standing there. "Hm. You look different than I imagined," he replied. "Considering you're a cop, I would've thought you'd be bulkier." he added.

Shaking his head, he took a seat where Rouge was sitting before. Rouge finally came out from behind the folding screen and was more casual to head out. "You ready to go?" she asked Shadow. "If you are," Shadow said. "I might as well tell my guy to take over for the night. It's not like I have anywhere better to be after I take you around town." he replied. "Wait hold on now. She's not going anywhere! She's a criminal, a thief, and robbed Mobius of their precious Chaos Emeralds. And as an officer, it's my duty to take her back to the prison." Both of them looked at him and began laughing. "Sorry, but that's not gonna happen!" Shadow laughed.

With that comment, Knuckles reached for his holster that was hidden under his hoodie. But before he drew his gun, Shadow shoved a gun right into his abdomen. "I wouldn't do that officer. As long as you're in our town. We're the bosses. Now, throw your gun to the side." Shadow ordered. Knowing there wasn't any way out of it, Knuckles obeyed and threw his whole holster to the side that had his gun, taser, and other equipment.

Shadow moved around and kicked it into another corner. "This is what we're gonna do, you're gonna come with us, and help us out with our work. And if you don't well then..." Shadow said, pointing the gun to the ceiling and firing a shot. It made Knuckles flinch. "Now c'mon. I don't like to keep a lady waiting." Together they all began heading out of the bar and going to their car. While Shadow and Rouge were laughing and talking the whole time, Knuckles sat in the back in silence trying to think of what to do.

There was no way he could reach out to Sonic because his phone was in the holster. Suddenly, they stopped and there were near another building. "Where are we?" Knuckles asked. "Don't worry about it. Just know we're going to be here for a few minutes." Shadow replied. Together they all headed inside. Rouge knocked on the door which then was answered by a tall crocodile. "Rouge! Shadow! Thought I'd never see you again!" he smiled.

"You can't get rid of me that easy hun! You got a minute Vector?" Rouge asked. "For you, my doors always open, come in. You seem like you've got something well worth my time," he said. She nodded and went straight inside. Shadow and Knuckles followed after her into the home. Knuckles ignored everything inside and was focused on Rouge. "So, what do you have for me?" he asked. Rouge lifted up a  bag and set it on the table. "Ah! Nice catch! I expect nothing less. Gimme a minute and I'll give you your prize." Vector replied and the two walked away.

Knuckles looked around and waited impatiently as they waited for Vector and Rouge to return. There wasn't much he could do now. "I won't let you guys get away with this." he said to Shadow who was closer. "Don't worry, we'll let you go. One way or another." Shadow chuckled. The two came back, Rouge holding a bag full of money that Vector had given to her. "Hope that'll be enough for you and those others! Lemme know if you've got something else that needs looking at! You know where to find me!" he responded. "You know I will hun! I'll be back before you know it!" Rouge reassured her.

They all headed back outside and Shadow shoved Knuckles forward with the gun. Tired of his mistreatment he turned around. "Look I'm sorry that I'm part of the law and I have to follow the same rules you do. But I'm sick of this! I need to go back and you guys need to just turn yourselves in!" Knuckles snapped growing angry. "I mean, what do you guys even do around here? Other than cause trouble! You've been a huge nuisance lately you know that?!"

Rouge approached him carefully. "I know you're mad at us. I get it. But... please... Come with us. It's not all that it seems. I swear if you don't agree with us after we show you what's going on... you can turn me in." she reassured. Shadow tried to intervene. "Rouge no don't-" he began. "Shads, it's okay. Please Knuckles. Let me show you." Rouge pleaded and held out her hand. Knuckles was unsure of this but seeing no other choice, he huffed under his breath.

He took her hand and looked her dead in the eye. "This better be worth it." he said. "Trust me, it'll be worth it. C'mon, you should see it sooner rather than later!"

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