Mission Failed (Sonadow) Pt. 2

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Shadow's P.O.V

"N-No! Don't!" he cried. I held onto the squirming fox as he tried getting to my pain-in-the-ass delinquent. I scoffed. "For such a notorious criminal, you're damn near soft." I chuckled.

"You do something to him and I swear you'll see more than meets the eye." he growled. I chuckled before pressing my gun harder into the fox's head. "Like I said, hand over the jewel. It doesn't have to be this difficult." I replied back. "Sorry, I've worked too hard for this. And I sure as hell don't plan to give up now." he hissed. I glanced over at the fox who didn't have any reaction. "How does that make you feel?" His eyes darted towards mine. "Your comrade would rather hold onto that thing rather than save your own life. I've seen you both on past reports. Close combat, more assistance, and an effective partner in crime? Geez, I could expect bad, but this? This is just cruel. I guess you're best friend really is a low life."

Something snapped in him. He managed to get slightly free, lifting his head slightly. Then his teeth sank into my hand. I yelled out, losing my grip on him, and pulled away. My gun fired off, ricocheting off of a piece of metal building. It hit the gem, sending it out of the Sapphire's grasp. "No!" he cried. The fox punched me hard across the face. For something so small, he packed a punch alright. I fell back before recovering. That damn brat was already flying towards my target. He grabbed him by the wrists before he began soaring off the building with him in tow.

Agh, dammit! I quickly reached for my gun and began to chase after them. I teleported out of view to catch up to them before it was too late.

Sonic's P.O.V

"You didn't believe that right?" I asked him worriedly. "What do you think? I'm not stupid! I knew you would've figured out something sooner if that dude hadn't loosened his grip. Although," he added, spitting off to the side. "Don't ever expect to do that again." He kept wiping his tongue while continuing to scan the area.

There wasn't any sign of the Chaos Emerald. "C'mon, it has to be nearby!" he cried. I can't lose it now either. We've both risked our asses for that rock.

Finally, I saw it. "Over there! In the corner!" I told him, pointing to an alleyway entrance. "On it!" Tails reassured. We dove for it.

Just as I was about to grab it, that faker appeared in front of me out of nowhere. His teeth were gritted as he blocked our guard. Tails stopped, panicked. "CHAOS BLAST!" A bright ray of light flashed before us, sending us back. Tails rolled across the ground a couple of times before coming to a halt. I hit the pavement with some more force.

I managed to catch myself. My body hurt. I held my side as I tried to recall what just happened. I peeked over and saw Tails on the ground.


Racing to his side, I held his small body in my arms. He groaned as I held him but didn't open his eyes. "Phew, okay. Hang on little bud..." I sighed. The sound of clanking metal interrupted my thoughts as I turned to see my threat before me. I glared at him. "Tsk. That was easier than expected. And here everyone was saying you're stronger than G.U.N's task forces," he scolded. He stepped in front of me as I clutched Tails tighter to my side. His boots clanked as he stopped in front of me with his arms crossed.

I growled at him, trying to get him to leave us alone. He held the gem up in my face. "You know, if you really wanted this, you'd ditch the fox and come get it," he said, taunting me with the prize. "Sometimes I wonder how easily you managed to keep getting away with crimes. Even someone as beautiful as you should know better." he noted.

My eyes slightly winded and my cheeks barely turned red. I laid Tails down and lunged forward, grabbing onto that Faker's jacket collar. Suddenly he teleported us both into a completely different area. We were mid-air and he managed to throw me off of him once more. But this time I bounced off from a nearby wall, sending him off with one of my spin dashes.

"You're gonna have to do more than that to do any real damage to me." I hissed. Using my Chaos Emerald, he sent different attacks in my direction. We both exchanged blows and punches. At one point though, I lost footing, falling onto my ass again. He still stood over me with great power. He kicked me in my face. I cried out, holding my nose. "Please, I don't want to hurt you more than I already have. Plus I know you're not going to win. Just because you're some petty criminal, that's all you are. Face it, what else can you actually do?"

My ears folded against my skull. I didn't see it that way. "In fact, why are you wasting your life away? You have such potential, yet you waste it all on this? I mean seriously, skills like yours and your two-tailed friend over there can go to a better cause than stealing a rock," he pointed out. I felt somewhat flattered. Wait- flattered? Ew no! I scoffed at him. "Why would I? This world's never done anything for me! I've rotted long enough! I'm ready to take what's mine! I'll finally get everything I've ever wanted!"

He raised an eyebrow. "Everything?"

His answers were pissing me off. Racing into him again, he caught my arm, twisting it until he had me slammed up against the brick wall. I grunted and struggled against him. "You could've gone in a completely different path. But you chose not to. What stopped you? Could it be that you decided to let your own emotions win? Pathetic." Then he just released me. "You know... part of me feels sorry for you," His voice was softer this time. It didn't sound degrading. "I won't lie. My life's been shit too. And I'll admit I've made mistakes... But at least it didn't lead to me becoming a psycho."

"What makes you think I'm in wrong?!" I shouted back at him. "You know nothing about me! And on top of that, you're the one out here threatening to kill people if they don't do what you say! I don't want to hear anything come out of your mouth!" I recoiled my hand in order to punch him. He caught my fist, not showing me any anger. His gaze was calm and slightly frustrated. Holding onto my wrist, he pulled me in tighter, our noses almost touching. A smirk formed on his face that made me slightly gag. "You know what, you're right. Guess we have more in common than I thought we did. How cute," he teased.

I'm sure I was burning red at this point. I'll be honest, I've been called various names, but cute? Hardly ever. But him... His stupid face was triggering me and I didn't know why! "Let go of me!" I shouted once more. His hold was only tighter. I felt something being snapped around my wrist. "And to think it only took this much to capture you! Hah! I better be getting my bonus when we get back to base."

My eyes widened. A cuff snapped around my wrist and it was on there tight. He was about to fasten the other one. "W-Wait! No!" I cried, pulling against him. Who am I kidding? I knew this wouldn't last forever.


Out of the blue, he cried out, falling down face flat on the ground. I stood there for a moment, unsure of how to feel. I then looked up to see who it was.

"Dammit Sonic! I'm getting tired of getting calls from Tails!" Knuckles stood there, rubbing his bruised fists. Silver barely hovered by his side with his expression clearly being annoyed. I glanced over to see Tails rubbing his head while holding up his phone. "You're lucky I can keep up with you! We almost lost you there."

Silver rolled his eyes. "And here I thought no one could keep up with you." I knelt down and went through his jacket's pocket. "Who even is this punk anyway? I barely saw how fast he was. Better take him to our nearby base. Who knows what he'll do if we just let him walk." Knuckles questioned briefly. I fished out his wallet, opening it up to find his ID.

There was a badge for G.U.N headquarters. Alongside his name. Shadow the Hedgehog.

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