Movie Night (Infidget)

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Perfect! Everything is as it should be! I laid out the snacks, drinks, and blankets all out on the couch. Now I just had to wait for the others to get here. I had invited a few of my friends to come over to my apartment for movie marathons of horror and romance movies. I was so excited! I've never had company come over to my place before. Even mom was surprised to hear I had friends coming over. I was surprised that anyone had even agreed to come to see a bunch of movies I rented from a Redbox machine and found on Netflix. "Gadget, I have to leave for a bit. Will you be okay with everything?" Mom asked me as she approached the door.

"Mom, I'll be fine! Stop worrying already! They're going to be here soon!" I replied frantically. My mom looked at me softly and patted my head. "Alright, if you say so! Don't do anything reckless. I'll hopefully be back in a couple of hours. Love you!" she replied and headed out. "Bye! Love you!"

Just as she headed out, I shook my head and ran towards the couch before jumping on it. I was so excited about everything! I don't get many guests. Maybe that's because not many of my peers at our high school actually liked me. I often ate alone at lunch or did projects by myself because no one wanted to be caught dead with me. It wasn't until I met a guy named Infinite that everything started getting better.

I looked down at my phone. It was 5:32. Everyone was supposed to be here any moment now so that I didn't have to be alone. I sat on the couch excitedly while my tail flicked just as I got comfortable. I sat there patiently while I waited. I waited some more. I leaned over to adjust the bowl of popcorn. I sat there tapping the arm of the couch. I let out a huff. I checked the clock again. It's now 5:46. Where are they?





Sure everyone can be late but there's absolutely no one. I decided to wait a little bit longer.

Eventually, I got bored so I sprawled out across my couch and sighed. I curled up in a ball and held myself while holding myself. I used my hoodie to hide my emotions that kept building up. No one was coming. I found that out pretty quickly. I whimpered and grabbed a pillow to shove my face in. I guess my mom had reason to be concerned. Why would anyone come to see me? I began to cry while shoving the chocolate candy I had set out into my mouth. I wiped away more tears as I hid under a blanket.

Ding dong

I sat up from my spot and looked at the door. Who the hell is that? The clock near my tv illuminated the time, 6:35. It must've been my mom who sometimes forgets her keys. I sat up as the doorbell rang once again. I stood up and wiped away my tears to make sure my mom didn't have to see me so upset.

When I answered the door, I was shocked to see Infinite standing there holding a small bag. He wore a black hoodie with white small patterns, ripped jeans, and wore a scarf around his neck. "Hey, Gadget! Sorry, I'm late! My mom had something she needed me to do briefly. Plus traffic didn't help me when I was coming over here. Am I too late?" he asked me as he looked at me happily. I felt my cheeks barely heat up seeing him with his multicolored eyes staring at me with the way his fur fell in his face. I came back to reality and then looked back to the ground.

"Uh... No... Not really..." I whispered, trying not to cry. He noticed it though. "Gadget, are you okay?" he asked me, coming up closer. I backed into my apartment where it was darker to hide my stained face. "U-Uh- yeah! It's all good! I-I j-just..." I answered quickly as I tried to stay away from the door. Infinite gave me a look and pushed the door open. He came inside where he saw that the entire place was empty. The tv was off, the snacks except for the chocolate were untouched, and the movies and remote were collecting dust. He looked down at his watch to confirm his suspicions before turning to me worriedly.

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