A Villain Breaks His Curse (Mephiles x Blaze)

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(This was requested but I can't find the Username. Anyways, enjoy!)

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom where there lived a fire princess. She was kind and brave. There was only time for helping those in her lands. It felt so frustrating some days when she was the only one doing any work. But she did have close friends that kept her company when the days seemed endless. She was kind, caring, generous, and never once did she complain about any of the work she had to do.

Blaze as they called her, was as beautiful as she was pure. Her eyes sparkled and her fur was shiny as ever. Everyone awed her and wanted to be the kind of person she was. While everyone adored and loved her, there was only one who seemed to despise everything about Blaze. His name was Mephiles.

Mephiles was a cold and relentless soul who despised Blaze more than anything he was faced with. On a daily, he'd try to hurt her and her friends trying to rattle her cage. The more she wanted to fight, the more the kingdom would weaken. All he wanted was to destroy her and everything around her.

One day, he succeeded. He broke into the castle where Blaze stayed most of her days hidden away from society. Mephiles stormed towards her, placing her under a spell after scratching her arm. "You shall go into a deep sleep Blaze! And the only a true love's kiss! I hope you suffer through a world of nightmares! You useless Queen!" he declared that very day. Blaze crashed to the ground and was out cold.

Later that very day, her best friends Silver and Amy found her lying on the ground. Eventually, they figured out what happened. They decided that they would place her in a special room where only they and a few members of the court were allowed to enter. She was placed there, waiting to be awoken by a true love's kiss. But the longer she lay there in bed asleep, the quicker the kingdom decayed. The sight of this made Mephiles smile of triumph. He laughed at the sight of Blaze's fallen kingdom.

Yet, deep down. He felt so alone in the world despite those he surrounded himself with. Even though he got exactly what he wanted, something deep inside felt ruined. Now he sat alone in his lair with his own two friends, Rouge and Shadow.

Today was no different from the others. He sat alone dining in his personal hall trying to enjoy another night. Which he was failing at. During this time, he was supposed to be enjoying dinner. "Ugh, Mephiles! Stop sulking! It's making my brain sour." Rouge fussed at him. He huffed and turned away. "To be honest, I don't know why he's so frustrated. He's the one who wanted all this." Shadow added.

Mephiles growled at them and stood up. "Last time I checked, you both were my assistants, not my advisors!" he snapped. "Oh, hun, please! If you wanted us gone by now, you would've done it already." Rouge replied, rolling her eyes. Mephiles groaned and paced within the room. "I don't know... It just all seems... too easy." he noted. "What do you mean? I have to admit, Silver and that faker have been giving us trouble." Shadow pointed out.

"It's just that... I can't help but miss her." he told them. Both of them glanced at each other briefly before laughing. "Y-You? Miss Blaze? HA!" Rouge laughed. "The one you've been trying to off for so many years?" Shadow asked as he scoffed. Mephiles looked back with pain in his eyes. "I know I have but... Now I'm regretting it... I want... I want something to go back to normal..." he sighed sadly.

Both of his friends exchanged a glance once again. "Listen, Mephiles, I don't know what is wrong with you this time, but you've gotta get better at making up your mind. Besides, there's nothing you can do to take it back." Shadow pointed out. "That's true! The only way she can come back to us isssss!" Rouge began.

They stood next to each other and smiled at him. "True loves kiss!" they said united. Mephiles sighed walked away from them and headed to his balcony. He stared up at the moon and frowned. He wondered why his life was this way. He didn't want it to be so... bland anymore. Despite Blaze being gone, no one was even scared of him anymore. They were depressed and angry all the time.

It wasn't anything terrible but it wasn't enjoyable like it had been in the past. That's when he made up his mind to go for a walk. He traveled for a little while before realizing he was going in the direction of Blaze's castle. You did it again Mephiles! You've gotta stop doing this! This isn't you and you look pathetic! But he couldn't even listen to himself. He marched right into her castle since all the guards there stopped working.

Surprised about how empty it was, he explored every inch of this castle. Some rooms had someone in them so he was sure to quickly leave in a hurry. Everywhere there was the painful reminder of who Blaze was. In a huge hallway, there was a painting dedicated to her and the powers of her flame. "Wow... they really do miss her. Eventually, he was able to find himself in her bedroom where everything had been left untouched.

The shelves were all neat, the pillows on a sofa were fluffed, and everything was quiet. Mephiles noticed the curtains to the biggest window were blocking out the moonlight. Somewhat annoyed, he pushed them away allowing the light to come in and reflect. Next thing he knew, it landed on the bed behind him. He looked back to see a bright purple from the dark purple bed. He walked over and pushed away a drape that was attached to the top of the bed.

That's when his eyes widened. It was Blaze. She was asleep underneath the covers with her hands placed neatly on top. In her hands was a purple rose. Mephiles growled and walked away from her. He couldn't quite wrap his head around what he's seen. Attempting to take his mind off of it, he explored her bedroom. On a shelf he didn't notice at first, he saw a huge journal that had a flame on the front.

Curious by it, he opened it up and found a page that was bookmarked by a small ribbon inside of it. Today has been a rather interesting day. I've tried my best to keep my community afloat but I can't do everything to keep Mephiles away from us. I know he's coming for me soon. It's just a matter of time. Part of me can't stand that coward of a tyrant in this kingdom! But then the other half... well I can't quite explain it. My heart aches for him. I sometimes long to see his face again. I know... It's ridiculous. I don't understand it. Me? Fall in love with a villain? Oh goodness... Amy would never let me live it down. I just... I don't get it! Besides, he's out here trying to destroy me. I shouldn't care. Oh well. I've gotta continue work. Maybe soon it'll be peaceful.

After reading it, Mephiles turned back to Blaze, his cheeks feverish hot from embarrassment. He couldn't believe she shared the same weird feeling. Do I really feel this way about her?

His eyes softened as he approached her and gently he brushed tufts of fur out of her face. No more hesitation... Mephiles leaned in and kissed her. After a minute, Blaze's eyes fluttered open adjusting to the darkness.

The first thing she saw was Mephiles staring at her, his cheeks bright purple.

She smiled and chuckled. "Took you long enough!"

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