Catch Me (Knuxouge) Pt. 2

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The girl from under did everything to get out from under him. "G-Get off me!" she snapped, wriggling extremely. Knuckles snapped out of his faze and reached back for his handcuffs. "You have the right to remain silent," he began. Pulling out the handcuffs, he tried to cuff her. But his guard was let down as she managed to get one leg loose. She kicked him in the groin, making him cry out and roll off of her. She scrambled to her feet and began running off into the night.

Knuckles bit his lip trying to hide the pain in his face but it was so obvious that it was laughable. I can't believe it... 

After recovering, Knuckles got up and looked everywhere. Thankfully before she could fly off, he managed to put on a tracking device on her wing. "Urgh... Okay, little bat, let's see where you're going." he sighed, pulling out his phone to find her. On the GPS, there was a dot that kept moving across the map. Using a car key, he summoned his car and hopped in. Down the road, he went to a completely different part of town where he couldn't believe where he was heading. "Gosh, where is she going?!" he wondered, heading into town. Driving into what seemed like the shady part of the city, he pulled into an alleyway and changed the setting on his car so it would stay hidden from the naked eye.

Then he hopped out and changed outfits. He went from a police uniform to a regular citizen undercover. I'll have to be careful all the way out here. He thought as he ran out. Keeping his eyes peeled for anyone suspicious but also keeping an eye out for himself, he wandered around following his GPS. As he walked, there was a bar.

"You've gotta be kidding." he groaned. Despite this, he went inside the bar known as Late Booze Nights. Inside it reeked of smoke and weed. But the farther he went in, the less it stunk. To his amazement, it was bustling with tons of dwellers all looking to get a drink and dinner. It was fancier than he thought it would be for the rough part of town. Everyone was talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.

Noticing a somewhat empty part of the bar, he walked over there to possibly get a drink. Awkwardly he sat down. In front of him was a black and red hedgehog who was drying off a glass. He noticed Knuckles and barely turned his head. "What will it be?" he asked. "Uh... I'm not sure..." Knuckles replied. Shadow rolled his eyes and pushed over a bottle of beer for him. "Oh! Thanks!" Shadow shrugged and went back to work.

As he sipped on his drink, Knuckles saw there was a stage and a mic. "Hey, if you don't mind me asking, is something going on tonight?" he asked. Shadow turned around. "You aren't from here, are you?" Shadow asked. "Nope. Not really."

"Well, if you must know, it's open mic night for singers. Most of them are drunks singing karaoke, but tonight you're in luck. My good friend Rouge is coming on tonight. She's one of the best singers in my book."

"This'll be interesting then! When does she come out?" The GPS indicated that the thief was nearby so he hoped he could catch them with the help from the music. His thoughts were that it would lure her out. The lights went out and only a few were directed to the stage. Shadow leaned in excitedly. "I heard she was going to be performing a popular song written and sung by Alice Angel. So she'll be amazing!" Shadow pointed out.

Everyone hushed and turned their attention to the stage. Out from the darkness, a beautiful bat, dressed in a long beautiful black and pink dress that had a split on the side to reveal a part of her leg, and whose wings flapped as she approached the mic. She was wearing long white gloves and she set the mic up to her height. The musicians set themselves up and were ready for her. At last, her face was visible to the crowd. That's when Knuckles came to the realization.

"IT'S HER!" he shouted. Everyone looked back at him. Offended, Shadow smacked Knuckles on his arm. Realizing his mistake, Knuckles quieted down. Rouge smirked and she herself realized who Knuckles was under his "disguise". "Well, ladies and gentlemen... I can see everyone's excited!" she chuckled. The crowd whistled and clapped, cheering for her.

"Good to know! I was worried whether or not I'd be missed," she went on. "Now... This song as you might've heard was sung by Alice Angel herself. Honestly, I respect her on a whole other level. She's been a huge inspiration just because of this song she's written. This song she wrote... speaks very personally to me. If you don't me... You'll know that... two years ago, I was rejected by the biggest singing company and record label in history. Said I wasn't good enough to be the next big star in our history. But the goddess herself came and made sure I was not discouraged. Then afterward... I had my heart broken by a certain Green hedgehog-" she went on. "HE WAS A DUMBASS FOR DOING SO!" Shadow shouted.

Rouge giggled waving at her best friend. "I'm fortunately over it. He was a dumbass. But my life isn't defined by a boy. So, for everyone out there struggling, you aren't the only one hun. But never let it drag you down." she stated.

That speech made everyone applaud her. Despite knowing more than what she was saying, Knuckles was awed by her. He even felt the heat rise in his cheeks. NO! Knuckles you can't. She's a criminal for crying out loud! "Now, why don't we get this show on the road, shall we?" she asked the crowd. "YES!" they yelled. She signaled to the musicians. "Hit it." she ordered.

(This girl NAILED this song. Look up the song on Youtube!! She nailed it. *DOESN'T belong to me fyi*)

Rouge cleared her throat and looked at the audience, opening her mouth. 

Knuckles was blown away at just a few words. "Wow... she's awesome..." he gasped. "I told you she was good!" Shadow replied. Stunned by her, Knuckles suddenly forgot about every bad thing she had done. It was like her words took control of his emotions. Rouge looked back at the red echidna who stared at her awestruck. But she got distracted in a part of the song.

You... Don't know what it's like to down away in a puddle of shame...

You... Yes, you,

Made me


Suddenly she was just quiet. She didn't continue. Neither did the musicians who were confused by this. She started tearing. "Oh no..." Shadow whispered. "What? What's wrong?" Knuckles questioned. "She's having one of those moments... Her ex cheated and it's making her upset. It doesn't help that the song is reflected about her life!" Shadow pointed out. Rouge stood there. Knowing he had to do something. He waved his arms and smiled, giving an urge to go on. He made funny faces that made her giggle.

That did the trick. She went right on singing the song, smiling as she did. But this time, she walked off the stage, walking straight for Knuckles. Taken off guard, he tried to walk away. "Oh no you don't hun!" she snickered, pulling him by the arm towards her. He glanced over at Shadow for any help while he waved them off, a cocky grin on his face. She danced with him all the way back to the stage while singing. His muzzle was beyond bright red.

Just as she finished, he looked at her shocked, wondering what he did to be able to stand on the same spot as her. The mic was placed back on the stand. She fluttered her eyes, getting very close to him. "You know... I didn't think anyone would be able to actually catch up to me..." she said. "Well... I think you know why I'm here..." Knuckles replied. "Well, let me give you something special, then I'll take you to the back." she said, smiling at him.

"Okay... what is it?" he asked. Without hesitating, Rouge leaned in, kissing him softly. Knuckles stood there very shocked. Damn... she's a good kisser... This is so wrong. Kissing her back, the crowd cheered once more, witnessing this whole thing go down. Shadow smirked and looked to his assistant. "Take over. I'll be back in fifteen."

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