The Vigilante (Silverouge)

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How I wish I had a car. But sadly, college is expensive enough. Oh well! What are you going to do? I decided to take the short route home. It was already getting much colder than I liked it to be so rushing home was understandable. "I can't wait to get home..." I sighed as I kept walking. These nights I just wish I could afford somewhere nicer to live. Though I took the short route, it still felt like ages to get anywhere. Thank god for the nearby cafe. It was early for me to walk in but I just had to get out of this weather. I walked inside happily feeling the scents of coffee and spices filling the room. I sighed as I walked inside, feeling my body loosen up after being so tense from the cold.

There were two girls at the counter. I knew them both pretty well. Blaze more than Whisper but they're both very nice. I approached the counter to see them. "Oh my gosh! Silver hi! It's been a while!" Blaze greeted me. "I know! I'm sorry I haven't been back in a while. My work schedule's been all over the place recently!" I replied. "No worries! Well, I'm assuming you're here for something to eat or drink?" she asked him.

"Yeah! I need hot chocolate. It's freezing and I need a hot drink to warm me up!" She smiled and wrote up my order. "That'll be $1.50! I'll have it out in a minute! Whisper and I have to start cleaning up in a little bit." she replied. I gave her the money and went to sit down. I scrolled through my phone, waiting for a bit as Blaze brought me my drink. I sat there as I watched the two walk around the cafe cleaning tables and sweeping.

"Did you hear about the attack last night?" Whisper asked Blaze.

"I've heard rumors throughout the cafe this afternoon. Why did something happen?"

"Apparently that Falco gang struck again last night. They've been hitting any single target they can find. It's getting crazy."

"Wow... That's scary. Do you have someone to take you home?"

"Of course I do! Infinite's my big brother, he's coming to pick me up in a bit."

"Lucky. I have to leave in a little bit too. Too bad I don't have anyone to walk me out."

I stood up after hearing that. "Hey, no worries! I'll walk you out!" I responded. "Are you sure about that Silv? You have a long way to go. Besides, I'm being silly. My car's literally around the corner." she sighed. "Blaze, it's fine! I'd rather you be safe than sorry. It'll only be a few minutes and you'll get home safely!"

She smiled. "Wow, you're a true gentleman Silv!" Whisper teased. "Oh please! Anything for a friend." I replied. I waited with them until their shifts finished. There were only a few customers coming in and out. When it was closing time, Whisper's brother pulled up by the front, honking his horn. "Oh! He's here! Will you two be okay?" she asked us. "We're sure! I'm just going to finish stocking before locking up the place." Blaze reassured. Whisper smiled and waved goodbye before heading out for the night. Meanwhile, I waited with my friend as she finished her job in the back of the cafe.

As I waited, I looked down at my phone. There were a few texts from my roommate Max.

Hey Silv! U Ight? It's getting late- just wanted to check on u!

I sighed.

Yes Max. I'm fine! I'm comin home soon I swear!

Just as I sent the text, Blaze came walking out. "Sorry! That took longer than expected. But I'm done now! You ready?" she asked. I nodded my head. "Yep! Whenever you are!" Blaze then walked out, locking up the store for the night. Then we walked around the building to the parking lot where Blaze's car was parked. She grabbed her keys to unlock them and started up her car. We hugged each other seeing that she had to go.

"Thanks so much, Silver! I'm so happy you came! We need to hang out more!" she told me. "I know! I'll be sure to let you know when I'm not working! I better be heading home though. It's getting colder with every minute that goes by." Silver replied. "You're walking home?! In this cold!? With a gang on the loose!?" Blaze exclaimed. "Blaze, I'll be fine! My home's only three blocks away. I've done this multiple times before."

"But there's a real danger here! Look, I'll give you a ride home! You don't have to walk out in the snow." Blaze cried.  "Seriously, I'll be okay. You need to get home before it gets any later. I've got a phone and pepper spray. Nothing happens on my route anyways! You're worrying for no reason." I explained. Blaze was hesitant but hugged me tightly. "I swear, if you turn up missing I'm going to kill you!" she sighed. I nuzzled her and urged her to head home before the roads worsened.

I watched her car pull away before walking down the street once more. My apartment wasn't too far from here. I held it together as I felt the wind blow in my quills as I got closer.


I whipped my head around to see whatever had made a huge crash. Three trashcans were on the ground with litter spilling out of them. I decided to quicken my pace trying to avoid any further conflict. The next thing I knew, I heard footsteps behind me. They quickened the minute I decided to speed up.

What the hell is this guy's problem?! I just want to get home!

"Come back little hedgehog... We won't hurt you..." the voice taunted me. I then began to run like my life depended on it.

Only that made it worse. I then heard multiple footsteps running after me. Too bad I knew this area too well. I made a dive into a nearby alley and jumped over a small barrier. They made chase after me as I dove around another corner.

I thought I was smart making this decision... I was wrong. A brick wall blocked my path from escaping into the next street. They cornered me off where I couldn't leave the area.

"Well well well! If it isn't fresh kill for today! And here I thought no one took this block anymore." The one in front of me was a tall green hawk with a giant Albatross at his side. Then unexpectedly another member popped up from behind me. They were a swallow wearing a mask. I was shoved from behind and pushed to the ground.

My side hurt as I tried sitting up. One of them picked me up by the neck and held me up. The hawk approached me, searching for my jacket. Then he threw my wallet to his companion. "Wow, you weren't too bad to catch. Now tell me... is there anymore I should be aware of?" he asked me. I growled as I tried to get free. "Go to hell." I snapped.

The one who held onto me threw my already tired body onto the ground. My face hit the snow before I tried to stand up. A foot landed on my back and I was pinned to the ground. I couldn't get up. One of them pulled on my arms as hard as they could until I screamed. I cried knowing that no one was coming for me. Suddenly, the weight came off of me.

Cries of terror and pain broke my struggle. I rolled over to see a fight go down in front of me. The three gang members fought a black blur kicking and spinning in every direction. I was awed by this stranger's skill and bravery as they defeated each member without much effort. Then I wondered how I knew this wasn't another gang member out to get me... They finished off the last one who was standing and stood there for a moment.

I tried getting up but my leg cramped up after being pinned down so hard. I had to pop my arm once to get the feeling back. I wanted to run but I couldn't. I panicked as the stranger walked toward me and I tried to run away from him. But he got down to my level and placed a gentle on my shoulder.

"You're hurt. Let me help you." the stranger told me. I barely moved back. I held myself in a tight hug and glared at him. "No! Go away! I don't need your help!" I shouted angrily. Still, he didn't listen. Instead, he pulled back. Surprisingly, I watched him stay back and pull down his hood and face mask. I gasped... I knew that face.



"Long time no see Silver..."

Shoutout to TeakoYashiro for their request! Should I make a pt. 2? Let me know!

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