Accidental Bride (Sonadow)

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Before I begin this one, I just wanted to point out this is not an original story that I have written. I took the scenario from a Youtube Ad I saw a while back. It was advertising a story from PocketFM, an App I believe. There's more to it but I decided to use it for this one-shot with a few changes. With that said, enjoy the one-shot!

It was around two o'clock in the afternoon in front of a courthouse where Sonic stood there alone on the phone. He held it in his hand as he looked at the time. Changing the app, Sonic saw no new texts from his current boyfriend Sam. He was all alone waiting for him to come to the area. He had spammed him several times wondering where he is. He tried calling Sam again, listening to it ring. Waiting for him to answer, he looked around frantically and was upset, tears threatening to fall down his face.

"Hey! You've Sam! Sorry, busy right now! Leave a message and I'll get back to you!" A beep went off on the phone. "S-Sam... listen I'm really sorry to bother you but... we're supposed to get married in like- twenty minutes! I don't know where you are but I'm waiting for you! Please hurry. You promised that you'd be here! For once in your life will you keep your bullshit promises?! Ugh, you're unbelievable!" he snapped, hanging up the phone.

He stood there and let a single tear fall down his cheek as he stood there. Meanwhile, Shadow stood next to a parked limo and waited. "Oh my gosh! How long does it take to find someone who's willing to get married to a rich dude?! I've got to have someone within twenty minutes or this company is good as dead!" Shadow shouted. He groaned as the other person on the other end of the phone uttered something in distress. "I'm not asking you to find someone, I'm telling you! Our jobs are on the line!"

After calling Sam for the fifth time, Sonic let another tear slip. He's not coming... I should've known. Since when is he ever going to make a commitment to us? Suddenly the phone began to ring out of nowhere. Frantically Sonic answered it. "H-Hey! Sam!" he cried. On the other end, Sam groaned annoyed, and sighed. "What? Do you realize how early it is?" he groaned. "Sam, it's literally 2:00! Where have you been!?" Sonic cried. "Uh... At home? What am I supposed to be doing?" Sam groaned back. "A-Are you serious? We're supposed to get married today! Aren't you coming?"

Shadow paced back and forth trying to think as his assistant tried to calm him down. "What do you mean there's no one left?! I've got Twenty. Minutes! I'm going to lose this company if we don't do something right now! Find someone! If there's one thing I refuse to do today, it's losing everything I've worked to build after my father died. No damn law or contract is going to take that away from me! So hurry up!"

With that, he hung up the phone and groaned while rubbing his forehead.

"Listen, Sonic, I'm really sorry but I'm really not feeling this relationship okay? I've had a lot of things go on lately and I realize there's not a lot of time for you and me. Well mostly me. And you kinda get in the way of that. I really don't want to get into a serious relationship right now 'cause you're kinda rushing me lowkey. Anyways, you got anything else to say?"

Immediately it was silent. Sonic's lips trembled as he tried to speak again. "You... You mean you're not even gonna come over?"

"Uhhh, no? What part of that wasn't clear already? Are we done? I'm genuinely tired bro."

Sonic scoffed and nodded his head slowly. "Hell yeah. We're beyond over Sam. I just wish I figured out your bullshit sooner." With that Sonic hung up the phone. He shoved it into his pocket and sat down on the edge of a stair and sighed, holding his face in his hands, beginning to sob.

Even though he was still fuming over his situation, Shadow heard the sobs coming from the other side. He looked over and saw the blue hedgehog sitting there alone, hiding his face. Seeing that things couldn't get any worse, he decided to walk over to check on him. Sonic continued to cry, sniffling and hiccuping as Shadow approached him. "Um, hey?" Shadow greeted as he walked over. Sonic turned to see the stranger and gasped. Quickly he began wiping his face. "I don't mean to bother you but... Are you okay?" Sonic immediately wiped his eyes frantically while nodding his head. "I'm f-fine!"

Knowing that he was hurting, Shadow sat down next to him and pulled out a tissue from his jacket pocket. Sonic sighed in defeat and took the tissue from his hand. Even though he has calmed down a little, Sonic's lips still trembled. Shadow was still worried about the guy he just met. "Look I don't know what you're problems are right now... But I'm sorry. I don't even know you and I'm worried about how you're feeling... You wanna talk? It hasn't been my day either!" he told him. Both stared at each other intently. Sonic sniffed and decided to talk.

"If you don't care about strangers airing out their issues... I just dumped my asshole ex-boyfriend who didn't love me enough to marry me so... here I am... I wasted two years of my life on a guy that never cared about me, to begin with. Do you realize how stupid I feel? I guess it's my own fault... But, it's for the best." he sighed. Shadow's eyes softened as he heard what was going on. "I'm so sorry... Look, if it makes you feel any better, my life's about to be over forever... My dad's mad that I'm not married and he's going to take everything away from me... My whole life's upside down and I can't do anything about it... I guess life sucks for both of us!" Shadow sighed while smiling at his new acquaintance. Sonic paused as he saw the pain in his gaze.

He blushed seeing the light reflect off of Shadow's crimson red eyes. Sonic himself let his ears droop and huffed. "When do you have to be married? I mean... how bad is this?" he questioned worriedly. Shadow looked down at his watch. "Let's just say everything I've ever worked towards is going to be ripped away from me in... fifteen minutes. That is if I don't get married in time..." he replied grimly. Sonic thought for a second and huffed. He stood up and stared at the other.

"I'll marry you."

Shadow cocked his head to the side before scoffing. "You can't be serious." he responded once he realized Sonic was serious. "Look... time isn't on your side. And... as far as I'm concerned, I'm allowed to do anything I want with my life at this point. I don't care if my ex wants to fight for my heart because clearly, he didn't care enough to show up today. You're the only one who's bothered to ask me if I'm okay lately. I don't know you but I know you don't deserve this. Please... it's not like you have many options left!" he cried. Shadow held his head for a brief moment before rubbing it and looking back up and Sonic who still stood there.

It's not like I have many options left anyways. Might as well take what I can get. "Okay! Fine! Why not. You'd be doing me a favor. So... shall we?" he asked, holding out his hand for him to hold. Nodding his head, the azure hedgehog followed himself inside the court nervously. He couldn't quite understand why he decided he was going to willingly marry someone he just met. But he was and he didn't hesitate to help someone else yet.

"Sir, please, pay attention," the judge urged, snapping Sonic out of his faze to look over at the judge. "Oh- I'm so sorry... What is it?" he questioned. "What is your name young man?"

Sonic flipped his quills and stared at him cooly. "Sonic Maurice Hedgehog."

For some strange reason, Shadow felt different. He had heard that name before. He stared at his to-be husband and his eyes widened. That face... he'd seen it before. In high school.

It can't be! It can't be... I'm about... I'm about to marry my high school crush...

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