Detention (Sonamy)

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Science class was boring as usual. Amy texted on her phone while Sonic fell asleep on his desk, snoring lightly. Just then the teacher came to their table and snatched the phone from Amy's hand. "That's the fifth time this week, Ms. Rose." he snapped. "Oh come on Mr. J, give me a break! I've had a lot going on lately!" Amy exclaimed. "Sorry, but rules are rules! You can get this from the office at the end of the day. And you," he replied. He turned to Sonic, slamming his hand on the table. Sonic jumped up in surprise, alarmed by the sudden noise. "AH! I'm up! I'm up!" he cried. He then faced their teacher who gave him a look.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Must've drifted off again!" The teacher rolled his eyes and handed the two of them orange slips. "Since this keeps happening repeatedly, you both will have detention after school today to serve an extra thirty minutes. Do I make myself clear?" Both Amy and Sonic grumbled, responding to his statement. "Good. Now, pay attention, we have tests coming up soon so it's best if you take notes."

After school was over, Amy and Sonic grabbed their bags to head to the detention center where they were supposed to go. Amy huffed as Sonic rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Hey, don't be too mad! We're going to be together for thirty minutes! Besides the detention lady is pretty chill! It'll be okay!" Sonic reassured, throwing an arm around her. Amy turned a light shade of red. "Besides, you've got me!" he added, smiling brightly. Amy smiled bashfully and shrugged her shoulders. "I guess you're right! I might be bad about being on my phone, but at least I don't fall asleep in class!" she teased.

Sonic turned red and looked away. "I'm sorry! I try! I really do! But he's so boring! I can barely keep my eyes open!" Amy giggled and they entered the detention room. Quickly, however, their smiles turned to frowns seeing that the usual detention lady wasn't there today. Normally, they would've dealt with a lady who didn't care what they did as long as they weren't too loud, but today it was their gym coach. He looked up from his book and tried holding back a laugh. He failed as he hit his amusement behind the book, letting a snicker escape. "Well well, Amy Rose and Sonic the Hedgehog, how am I not surprised?"

"Coach Randy? How!? Don't you have to help with the track meet?" Amy exclaimed. "Well, I would, if the wet grass after the rainfall didn't pose a risk to the teams. Anyways, that's not relevant to this. You two are here just because you've repeatedly violated school rules. As a result, I've decided to give you two a proper punishment. You two will mop the downstairs hallways together and stay for as long as it takes."

Both of them looked at Couch Randy in disbelief. "The whole downstairs!? That'll take forever!" Amy cried. "Not if you don't go ahead and get started. Trust me, some good work will you do you some good. Now, hurry up! The supplies are in the closet in the hall!"

The two of them got the supplies out before cleaning the hallways where most students left the most dirt or mud stains. Amy grumbled under her breath as she wiped the floor back and forth with the mop. Sonic came up to her side and bumped her gently. "Y'know, I can easily get this over with my speed, right?" he asked, fluttering his eyes at her. "Yes, I know! But that would look suspicious, no one knows about your speed," Amy told him. "No one except you and Tails!" he replied. Amy blushed. "Obviously! But still, that would be too easy! It's just that... It won't be the same if you think about it. A little good work never hurt anyone. Now come on! You said you'd never leave me hanging!" she replied, heading down another hallway. Smiling softly while watching her walk, Sonic slowly walked after her.

Between the two of them, they managed to get through a lot of work. They finished the last hallway leaving Sonic to wipe his forehead exhausted. "Gosh! I'm tired! I don't know about you... But I am so through with this!" he sighed, sitting down on a bench. Amy glanced over and smiled. Oh my gosh, he's so adorable! Sonic noticed her odd behavior. "You good Ames? Your face is a little red." he asked her. Amy covered her mouth knowing that her best friend noticed her facial expressions along with her bright blush. "N-Nothing! I swear!" she cried.

Lifting an eyebrow, Sonic walked over to her and moved a hand away from her face. "Why are you hiding?" he teased, looking into her eyes. "I-I'm not! H-Hey! Why are you so close?!" Amy ranted, trying to push the blue male away from her. "M-Move!" Sonic stood there with a smug face. Amy backed away from him, bumping into the wall behind her. Sonic with the same smug expression on his face walked towards her and put a hand next to the side of her head, standing in front of her and looking down at her. Amy only blushed more from this. "Sonic! I'm not kidding! Back up!" she cried, her smile only getting wider. "I don't know, you seem to be enjoying this!" Sonic replied, now smirking at her. "W-Well- maybe a little!"

A bright blush appeared on Sonic's muzzle. He admitted he's had a crush on Amy for a couple of years now. They've known each other since childhood. But he'd never admit it to her. Amy was the same way. "Hey, Ames... Can I tell you something?" he asked her. Amy nodded her head. Sonic backed away and put his hands in his pocket. "We're... We're friends right?"

Amy cocked her head to the side, slightly worried. "What? Of course, we are! Sonic, is something wrong?" she asked him. Sonic used one hand and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I mean- not really. Well, I don't know. I'm just- scared to..." he told her. "You can tell me anything. You know that right?"

Sonic nodded his head, still nervous. "Amy, listen, we've been friends for a really long time. Literally, I don't know how I could've made it so far in life without you. For the longest time, I've been scared to lose you as my best friend because you're the only one that's ever understood me. I've been scared to tell you something that's been on my mind only 'cause I don't want to lose you as a friend, you know what I mean?" he asked her. Amy nodded her head. She put one hand on his cheek and moved the quills out of his face. "Nothing you say could ever chase me away. Even if it did, I couldn't stay away forever. You're the only one who's never fake around me. So tell me, what's bothering you?"

Looking away, Sonic held Amy's hand while pulling something out of his pocket. "Here," he told her, handing her a box. Amy smiled, taking the box, and opening it up. It was a blue rose hair clip. "Oh, Sonic! It's so pretty!" she replied, her smile wide. Sonic chuckled nervously. "I was worried you wouldn't like it."

"What?! Of course, I love it! It's from you after all!" That's when she noticed a little piece of paper. She pulled it out and unfolded it.

It read, Be My GF? in pink lettering along with two options of Y or N with checkboxes. Amy looked back up at him in surprise. Her eyes glimmered while Sonic's ears drooped slightly. "Was it... too straightforward?" he asked worriedly. Amy giggled and pulled him closer to her side before standing on her tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek. Sonic turned bright red and began stuttering trying to form the words.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." Amy said, holding back laughs. Sonic couldn't say anything, he was taken too off guard. "I love you." she told him after he settled down. "Love you too Ames."

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