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Just in case you hadn't worked out by now, this is the third book of a series, so you should read the other two first or this may not make sense. The first is My Illegal Romance and the second is Disenchanted so read them first if you haven't already, if you have read them, then I really really hope you enjoy and that it's good! Oh and uh SMUT I know first chapter but who cares, it's not illegal. :] ~

"Good morning beautiful." Gerard smiled kissing me passionately, pointing my attention to the coffee he had made me on the nightstand.

"Thank you." I smiled happily, if there was one thing I couldn't live without - other than Kyle and Gerard - it was a coffee in the morning, if the first thing you do is not drink coffee you're doing life wrong. End of story, don't drink coffee, don't live life properly, sorry it's the truth.

"Anytime Frankie, I love you, and remember, I love Kyle too." He smiled laughing at me as I downed virtually the whole mug in one go, I was thirsty and tired. The funny thing was the way he looked at me when I did it, it was as if he hadn't spent the last almost four years, watching me drink boiling coffee at top speed in the morning.

In actual fact that was the funny thing about our relationship, it never seemed to grow old, nothing seemed to change, everything was knew, even done time and time again. But actually, it was always better, it would get better every time. Sex was that bit better every time we did it, which to be fair wasn't that much, his coffee and pancakes certainly seemed to get better every Saturday, even films we watched several times a month seemed better each time.

At the same time as making me overwhelmingly happy, I did also wonder how it worked, I've never heard anyone else talk about a relationship like this, was it wrong? It was like a never-ending honeymoon phase, every couple supposedly has a honeymoon phase, we didn't really, or maybe it was just a three year long honeymoon phase. A high that never left, a drug thatwouldn't drain from the blood. Whatever it was, it was great and I couldn't care less, honeymoon phase or not, I loved him that's all that matters, 'til death do us part.

"You like kids don't you?" I checked as I put my mug down on the table again, it was probably a stupid question, because he was a teacher so he was with children practically 24/7, but just a double check, it wouldn't harm.

"Well I always wanted one," He nodded crossing his legs, he sat in front of me, linking his hand with mine and smiling as he played with my fingers. "And Kyle is your kid therefore he is as important to me as a kid of my own, so I suppose I have one." He smiled.

"Do you want a baby of your own." I asked again, there was no way I was diving headfirst into this, like jumping off a cliff, you're just diving headfirst for halos, a one-way ticket to death.

"Haha, I guess I would, but only if you were a woman, or I was a woman." He laughed shrugging, he gave me a look of questioning almost as if he thought I were suggesting one of us became a woman.

"You want me to be a woman?" I fired back eyes wide, that was not going to happen, I had interpreted that wrong though.

"Hell no," He exclaimed laughing hysterically, his body jerking from the laughing. "I love you as a man, don't become a woman, please." He made it very clear that me as a woman was the last thing he wanted, which was rather a relief, because I didn't want it either.

"Not planning on it, nu-uh none for me, none for Daddy no thank you." I snickered, "But if I was you'd knock me up?"

"Yeah, I suppose, sounds kinda weird when you put it like that though."

"Would you adopt?" God, I was firing questions at him left right and center, he probably thought he ws in some sperm donor interview or some crazy shit, it was like a fucking twenty questions.

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