Chapter 1 - The Move

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Sans POV

"Santana we've got to go or we'll miss our flight!" My father yelled up the stairs.

"Alright Papí I'm coming will you relax" I yelled back down as I took one last look around.

I don't really care if we miss it, honestly I hope we do. We've lived in Colorado since I was born but now my dad gets a promotion and we have to move!

It's unfair I've spent 15 years of my life here and made all these friends and now I have to leave them.

As I throw my last suitcase in the back of the car, I hear someone calling my name. I look around for a second, confused, and see my two closest friends barreling towards me. The next thing I know, I'm engulfed in a hug.

"Oomf haha hey guys what are you doing here?"

"We couldn't just let our third musketeer go without a goodbye duhhh. Then it would just be two and we can't call ourselves the two musketeers, that's just crazy." Jamie says.

"You know there's four of them, not three right?" I asked her.

"Actually in the beginning there were three, which would work in this case.  Doesn't matter though. The point is," Jessica said between puffs of air with her hands on her legs. "you're our best friend...and we had to come and say goodbye before we left. Ahh man you guys couldn't have caught a later flight? Seriously I almost didn't make it cause the manager would NOT let me leave early." She then rolled her eyes as she fully stood up.

"You'll survive Jess, you made it didn't you? Also what she said, it would be wrong of us to miss this after everything we've been through together."

"Awwwww guys stop you're gonna make me cry and I'm really trying not to look like a raccoon right now hahah." I quickly spoke holding back tears.

"Santana sweetheart we've got to go now." My mother said empathetically.

"One second Mamí." I sniffled. "Well you guys heard the lady, I've gotta go but thank you for being here, I'll really miss you crazy people."

We hugged one last time, I got in the car, waved goodbye and took one last look at the home I've lived in for my whole life once again. Once we got around the corner I got a text from them:

- We'll miss u de Winter- pb&Jamie

- You do know she's not a musketeer right...and she dies?

- Tomato tomahto she was a badass like u 🤷‍♀️ - pb&Jamie

- Don't apply logic to Jamie, as funny and odd as she may be... it's pointless - Jess 🤞

- I feel like I should be offended rn - pb&Jamie

- If u think u should be u probably should be - Jess 🤞

- Jess leave Jam alone lol

- I'm just sayinggg - Jess 🤞

- I'm just saying you're the annoying one out of us three - pb&Jamie

- We will talk abt that later- no more fighting right now, we need to be here for Tana - Jess🤞

- Thank you J I'd rather not break up your arguing rn seeing as tho I can't force you two to make up

- Oh whatever it wouldn't have gone THAT far- pb&Jamie

- Sureeee

After some more random conversations and iMessage games I started to get tired, thankfully we were close to the airport so I'd hopefully be able to sleep on the plane.

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