Chapter 23 - The Injury

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Brittany's POV

"Hey B?" Sam knocked on the door and poked his head in.

"What's up Sam?"

"Someone's here for ya, they're waiting downstairs, I don't know who it is though. I was just in the kitchen and when I passed by and heard your mom saying she was gonna come up and get ya."

"Alright thank you," I smiled at him and rolled off the bed. "heading downstairs now!"

I hopped down the stairs and turned the corner to see Tina!

"Hey! What're you doing here?"

"Hey Brittany! I stopped by to see if you could help me with something.. you can of course say no but I'm hoping you don't."

"Well I think this is my cue to go now," my mom got up off the couch. "nice to talk to you again sweetie." She smiled and left the room.

"So what can I help you with?" I sat down across from her and sat cross legged.


San's POV

"Who is itttt?" I called out as I quickly came downstairs.

The doorbell rang a second time.

"Hold on a minute geez!" I made it to the door, looked through the peephole and for some reason I was a little happy to see who it was.

"What're you doing here?"

"Only taking someone with as good as taste as I have shopping!"

"You know phones exist Kurt, you could've just texted or called." I brought my hand up to my head with a small smile.

"True but you could've ignored it. Can't ignore me standing on your doorstep!" He walked inside, slid his shoes off and went straight for the stairs. "Now, where's you're room? You've got to get dressed so we can go."

I close the front door and turn, walking toward him.

"I am dressed." I deadpan.

"Dressed for a date with you couch and TV maybe. But not for where we're going."

With an exasperated sigh and an eye roll, I make my way over to the closet..

"Shut up." I cut him a look before he can say anything. "This means nothing."

60 minutes, makeup, multiple outfit changes, lots of music, gossip and snacks later, Kurt and I finally made it to what seemed to be an outdoor ice rink.

"Uhm.. what happened to shopping?" I questioned.

"Okay so I might have fibbed a little.."

I glared at him sat back with crossed arms.

" -but I promise we can go another time to make up for it."

Still I sat with the expression.

"...and I'll pay for food?"

"Okay deal." I extended my arm for a handshake. "A pleasure doing business with you." I gave a tight lipped smile.

"Great, now that that's out of the way let's go." He sighed out but with a newfound energy.

"And where exactly are we going?" I ask, curiosity slightly piqued.

"To help Tina. She's going to finally ask Mike to go with her to winter formal, if you ask me, her waiting until today is cutting it real close but then again it's Tina and Mike, of course he'll say yes."

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