Chapter 9 - The Following Week Pt. 2

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San's POV

Wednesday (afternoon)

Practice had just ended so Brittany and I decided to just walk home together.

"Hey do you want to come over and hang out?"

"Yeah, wouldn't want to pass up a chance to see where you live for a change." I joked.

She had a look of confusion.

"I was just joking, ya know because you always come over my house and I've never actually been to yours-" she cut me off.

"I know I was pretending." She laughed. "Haven't you heard that explaining jokes makes it unfunny anyways?"

"Oh" I laughed with her. "Yeah, I must have forgotten."

*15 minutes later*

"And here we are!" She turned around to face me and gestured to the house behind her with a smile. "Casa de Pierce-Evans!" We walked in.

"Mommm, I brought Santana over to hangout and study, if that's okay we'll be in my room!" She called out I guess hoping Mrs. P was around to hear.

"Okay sweetie just leave the door open please!" She called back from somewhere else. "Hi Santana, make yourself at home!"

"Hey Mrs. P"

I followed Brittany to the kitchen. "Want anything?" She asked as she picked up an apple. "We have fruit, chips, more unhealthy stuff" she listed. "You want anything to drink?"

"Thanks, I'll just take a water for now."

She tossed me a bottle and pulled me upstairs and the first thing I noticed when I walked in was how bright it was. I mean yeah the sun was still out but that wasn't it, everything about her room just seemed so warm and welcoming.

The floor was carpeted and it was like a cream color, really soft too. The walls were a warm light sandy color and there was a window on the wall across from the door that took up a big part of the wall. In the corner next to it there was a chair hammock and against the wall, hanging behind it there were a few LED's dangling from the ceiling that were turned to yellow. To the left there was a full size bed up against the wall with a few pictures hanging above. Across from the bed was a simple desk and lamp and to the right of the door was a closet.

"Wow this room is nice."

"Eh it's alright. Yours is cooler." She shrugged as she dropped her backpack by her bed.

"Please, my room is so dark the only light anyone ever sees are the LED's I put up and the light from whatever electronic I decide to have on that day." I chuckled.

"You can sit wherever you like." She said as she sat cross legged on the floor.

I took a seat at her desk which is when I noticed the camera that was sitting there along with some origami figurines and all the jewelry she had on it as well. "You do photography?"

"I've taken a few classes for it here and there and if I'm out with my camera one day, I snap a few pictures." She got up and grabbed the camera, she was so close that she was practically leaning over me as she showed me some of the pictures she'd recently taken.

"Wow... these are beautiful." I said in awe.

"You think so?" She questioned. "I almost deleted some earlier."

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