Chapter 16 - The Day After

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Brittany's POV

I shut the door and leaned against it smiling, with the box of donuts in one hand and my keys in the other.

Tonight was amazing.

"So how was it?"

"Jesus Quinn!" I jumped at the sound of her voice.

"Well?" She laughed at my reaction.

"Not that I don't love your company but what are you still doing here?"

"My parents had an impromptu trip so your mom told me to stay here until they get back or at least stay the night."

"Ohhh okay, makes sense."

"Yeah now answer the question." She pressed.

"It was..." I drifted off in memories from tonight. "indescribable."

She followed me to the kitchen where I placed the donuts in the fridge.

"Is that all I get?"

"As much as I would love to go on," I yawned. "I'm just so tired. Busy day and whatnot, you get it right?"

"Brittany! Where are you going?" She asked as I made my way to the stairs.

"Quinn you truly are the best. I'll talk to you tomorrow okay? Night!" I waved and ran upstairs before she could say anything else.

"This is not over B!" She yelled up after me.

San's POV

"Lucas you are seriously the best."

"Eeeaaahhh it was nothin." He waved it off.

"No, not nothing. You dropped your whole afternoon for this and I seriously appreciate it and you."

"Yeah well, just don't get into another fight and stop talking again. Glee club has more than enough drama." He joked.

"Pshhh, you and I both know they live for the drama in that club. It's like the only time anything interesting happens."

"That might be a little true." He responded after some thought. "I'm going to my room so I'll see you in the morning. Try not to be too loud when you talk to Jess and Jamie."

"Noted. See you in the morning Lukey." I teased.

"Hahah shut up." He guffawed as he came over and pulled me into a short hug.

I went to the bathroom in my room, started the shower and went over to my iPad. I called the group chat, tossed it on my bed and waited for them to join as I continued getting ready for my shower.

"She hated it." I said dejectedly when Jess joined.


"Yup. So serious." I responded.

"Jamie! She didn't like it!" Jess informed her when Jamie joined seconds later.

"She hated it." I added trying not to give away the lie.

"You're fucking lying! What the heck did you do Lopez?"

"How do you know I did something?!" I defended myself.

"Because the three of us came up with it therefore it's perfect." Jamie responded.

I hopped on the bed and picked it up.

"Did something go wrong?" Jess asked curiously.

"Hold on a minute... you are fucking lying!" Jamie caught the look on my face. "Ass."

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