Chapter 22 - The Before Pt. 4

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Santanas POV

"I went back home yesterday..." she spoke, barely audible.


"It's been almost 3 months since I've seen my brother... I had to at least make sure...he looks okay."

"Okay.. what happened? If you want to tell me."
Caitlyn's POV
The Day Before

"Caitlyn?" I was greeted with surprise.

"Mom." I responded tersely.

"What are you doing here?" She asked curiously, almost like she was amazed to see me.

"Well let's see.. your husband pretty much kicked me out while you stood by and did nothing and since that day he's also been keeping me from the only person in this house that actually cares about me."

She looked down guiltily.

"Look. I know he's controlling as hell and...other things... but you really couldn't have said or done a single thing?" I looked at her coldly, my eyes threatening to water thinking back on that day. "I mean.. I'm your daughter for god sake... but no, you just watched him push me to the side..."

I took a deep, steadying breath and stared at her.. looking for anything.. nothing.

"Doesn't matter anymore.. where's  Liam?"

"In his room, some of his friends are over so they've been playing video games all afternoon."

"I want to see him." I respond after still standing at the entrance.

"I know.." she quietly replied, still looking guilty.

"So let me in." I speak, growing impatient.

"If your father finds out you were here... I don't want any more problems between the three of us.. I want to keep you safe-"

"So you let him kick me out?" I cut her off with anger.

"Hey you left all by yourself, he gave you a choice!" She shot back, her voice low but filled with edge. "I only let you go because it was the safest option, I knew you'd find someone to stay with that would accept you. Not to mention, you've always been bad at hiding your sexuality Caity-"

"Don't call me that. Ever again." I jerk at the old term of endearment between my mom and I and internally hiss at the pain of hearing it again.

"All I mean is that I've known for years! Now that it's come to your fathers attention god only knows how he'd react at the slightest sight of your sexuality!"

"So instead of defending me against him you let him kick me to the curb? If you're so scared for my safety, enough to let me leave, what about you! Or Liam! What's the difference? He's a piece of shit no matter how the book ends so why does it matter that I'm gay? Why can't you see that his behavior has been shitty long before Ive been out! You know you aren't surprised by what he did yet you're still here as if he can't turn around and do it to y'all too!"

Even in the middle of a heated argument somehow I still manage to keep my voice quiet.

"You should want enough for your kids to get them both out of here, I shouldn't have had to leave on my own, we should've been gone. And you know it. Justify it however you want but you and I both know he hasn't been a good man since the early years of your marriage." By now I'm not even mad, just utterly disappointed and saddened by the fact that my mom is still here with him.

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