Chapter 25 - The Talk

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"Oh oh oh BOOM hell yeah take that dude!" I gloat in the mic as soon as the round is over.

"Okay whatever, I'm still better than you."

"Sure tell that to the score buddy. From the looks of it I demolished you." I dust off my shoulder even though I know he can't see.

"Pure luck Santana."

"If you're egos hurt or you're jealous just say that Rajeesh."

"That's hilarious! Second round let's go."

"Oh you're on! Didn't take you for the kinda guy that willingly gets his ass kicked twice though just sayin."

"You wish. Just wait Santana I'm telling you it was a fluke."

"And I'm telling you I'm just that good!" I laugh.

"Hey San!" I hear Britts cheery voice causing me to look to my doorway and see her walk in.

"Hey babe, how are you?"

"I'm good. I hope you don't mind, your mom let me up." She says as she leans against the wall.

"I could never mind." I smile kind of adoringly and lean back in my chair.

Walking over to me, she places her hands on the armrests of my chair and leans down laying a sweet kiss on my lips. She puts her bag against the wall and sits on my bed.

"Grossss, but also why don't you ever greet me like that sweetstuff. Now I'm sad." He feigns hurt.

"Shut up man" I laugh. "You're not my girlfriend that's why. Hell I barely even like you!"

"Whatever, you know you love me!"

"Let's just get through this so I can hop off."

"I didn't come at a bad time did I?" Britt asks behind me.

"No not at all I was just about to start round two of demolishing Rajeesh in this game."

"In your dreams Santana!" He interrupts.

"Okay well, I'll be working on my math work until you finish up!" Britt pulls her notebook out as well as a pencil and lays on my bed with her work.

"No problem babe, we'll be done here soon. Promise."

"Mmhmm now that your girl's here I'm just chop liver?"

"Mmmmmm yeah, pretty much."

He laughs. "That's cold, real cold."

Roughly ten minutes later we finish, I say my bye's and turn everything off.

"Hello there." I grin as I make my way over to Britt.

"Hey" She smiles and sets her work on the floor.

I lay on my side facing her as she's on her back yet still facing me.

Leaning forward, I press my lips to hers briefly before throwing a leg over her.

I lay over her between her legs with my hands tucked under my chin while I look up at her just mesmerized, wondering how I managed to get this amazing person to be my girlfriend.

We stay like that for a while.

"What?" She asks eventually, looking down at me.

"Nothin. Just admiring." I smile sweetly.

"Ooh I'm doing that too." She whispers.

"I think you're amazing B."

"And I think you're adorable San."

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