Chapter 27-Old Wounds Heal Slow

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Britt's POV

"Oh... all of that happened?" I look at San with sad, wide eyes.

"I wish I could say I was joking." She sighs.

I lay back on her pillows, opening my arms for her to fall into. She does and I hug her the second she's comfortable.

"I'm so sorry San, you didn't deserve that at all... I hope this isn't too mean but she sounds awful."

She wipes a tear and gives a bitter laugh. "You have no idea."

"I hope you know that I would never treat you like that."

I squeeze her a little tighter and give her a light kiss on the forehead as she snuggles into me.

We sat in silence for a bit, enjoying each other's company, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.

The Next Morning

I let out a small yawn and look around the room trying to remember where I am when I notice the time: 8 am. About the time for my usual morning jog.

As much as I want to run though I remember that I'm not home and I didn't go back to pack a bag so I guess I'll just have to find something else to do.

Pulling myself up out of bed, I go to San's bathroom. Thankfully she left out a new toothbrush for me the last time I stayed the night so I didn't have to wake her up to find one. I brush my teeth, do a quick face wash and head downstairs where I run into Maribel.

Walking up to the counter I see her mixing what looks like pancake mix, surrounded by other food ingredients.

"Ah hi there sweetie! It's nice to see another face up so early. Those two could sleep until the sun sets again if I let them." She laughs teasingly.

"It's nice to see you too Mrs. Lopez." I smile back warmly. "How are you doing?"

"I'm great thank you for asking, I feel like I could accomplish so much today!" She turns back to her bowl.

"It sure looks that way!" I chuckle. "It looks like you're making a whole spread here! Food to feed 100 of us."

"Those three upstairs- especially my husband- have bottomless stomachs, they eat like they've never had a meal before I tell you."

I laugh with her and sit at the counter.

"What are you doing up this early anyways? Don't you kids like to sleep in until the afternoon?" She jokingly asks.

"I just wake up earlier in the day." I shrug and reply. "Is there anything I can help with since I'm here?"

"Ahh no I'll be just fine. You can stay there."

"Are you sure? I feel weird not doing something.." I trail off.

"You are doing something Brittany. Keeping me company and talking with me." She smiles sweetly.

San's POV - Post Mini Scene: Chapt 5

"Come on ladies! Get those knees up!" Sue yells to the people she has running up and down the bleachers.

"Backs straight! Knees bent let's go!" The group she has doing lunges.

"Get those arms shoulder width apart! Lower... lower... I want to see right angles in those arms!" Push ups.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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