Chapter 12 - The Meetup

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Brittany's POV

"Alright Britt, I think this concludes our lesson for today."

"Okay bye Lucas, thanks."

"You know if you keep going at the rate you are we might have to end these sessions."

"Maybe" I smiled and left.

Now that we were done with that I decided to go to Santana's room. Since she was avoiding me everywhere, I'd never actually be able to talk to her unless I probably had her cornered or something.

"Santana... we need to talk, for real this time." I watched as she stood there looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"About what?"

"You know what." She replied. "I need answers, real answers."

She continued to stand there for a minute before she just went over to her bed and dropped on it letting a puff of air out simultaneously.

No one said anything for a while. I just stared, waiting for her to say something and she just sat there staring at the wall.

"Okay." She ran her fingers through her hair and gestured for me to sit in the chair by her desk.

"What do you wanna know?" She asked.

"Did I do something wrong for this to still be happening? Yes I know what you said earlier today but I'm asking again anyways."

"No you're perfect. I'm the one-" she paused and closed her eyes briefly. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"So why have you been distancing yourself from me? I need a reason for you icing me out." I started. "And don't just say it's because of the kiss that didn't even happen. Please don't."

I stayed quiet waiting for her to say something, anything.

She looked so small right now, if we weren't supposed to be having such a serious conversation I'd walk over and hug her like I want to but I need to know first.

"Listen... I know I haven't been a good friend or anything right now but I just- I need some more time, to figure this out... whatever this may be." She brushed the question off and spoke. "Please. I'll explain when I'm ready but for now I- I need you to give me more time.

She hadn't looked up the entire conversation yet.

"I can only give you what you're asking if you start talking to me again." I told her. "I get that you need to think on things on your own but I miss my friend. The way we went from talking constantly to not at all.. that's unfair to me and yourself."

I stood up and went to leave, making it halfway to her door before she said something else.

"I'm sorry Brittany."

I stopped walking and turned around.

"Don't apologize, just fix your mistakes and don't do it again." When I made it out of her room I looked behind me briefly to see her fiddling with her hands.

Half an hour later

"So she finally spoke to you?"

"Yeah Q, that's what I said just now wasn't it?" I responded.

"How did it go?"

"It... went?"

"What do you mean 'it went'?"

"It went." I repeated. "All I know is, she wasn't ignoring me because of anything I did. I think whatever happened to her before she moved really affected her."

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