Chapter 6 - Help

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Britt's POV

Yesterday, history was brutal to say the least. I had gotten a few questions wrong as usual (how was I supposed to know the capital of Ohio wasn't O? It made perfect sense!!) and everyone laughed at me as usual, of course it made me feel bad but for some reason it was worse that day. I remember when I looked over at Quinn and Santana, they both looked really mad but Santana looked madder than Quinn. I get why Quinn was upset because it's always been like this, every year she dealt with me getting laughed at which resulted in many afternoons talking it out and eating ice cream. I didn't really understand why Santana was so mad though, we've only known each other for maybe two or three weeks? And we only became friends what a week ago? I don't know, I need to stop thinking about it though because it's making me sad. I'll just think about anything after that because yesterday was actually really fun!

Glee was really fun for sure and the dance battle was too! I think I might dance or something for my performance in a few days. I already know Rachel's probably going to do a duet with Finn today or sometime really soon so I'll just wait. I'm also really excited to see what Santana's going to do this week, I hope she decides to join, it's nice with her there.

When I saw her at Breadstix she looked really beautiful, seriously and the look of confusion when she was talking about her uniform was cute also the way she was studying the menu so hard, that was cute too. I need my brain to shut up so I can go back to sleep. Practice is going to be tiring especially because it's the first one of the year and I can't be tired before it.

*Couple hours later*

I woke up to my many alarms and went about my morning as usual. I got dressed, took my phone off of the charger, grabbed my lanyard off the hook on my door, picked up my bag from next to it and went downstairs to eat.

When I got downstairs there was already a plate waiting at the table for me which I gladly sat down and ate. As I was eating I decided to finally check my notifications which is when I saw an email from Mr. Schue asking to meet before first period.

I quickly finished my food and told my mom I had to get to school a little early, I told her I'd take my bike and just leave now but she insisted on driving me. A few minutes later she told Sam she'd be back so he didn't have to leave yet and we were out the door.

I got there a couple minutes before the first bell so we only had a second to talk before I had to get to English.

"Mr. Schue?" I knocked as I peeked in the door of the Spanish room.

"Hey Brittany, I see you got my email."

"Yep. What's up?" I asked.

"Well as you know your grades in this class last year... they weren't the best."

I nodded.

"I figured I should bring it up now as an option just so you know it's there. I think if you are still struggling in this class we could look into finding you a tutor or someone to help you out for a bit until you've got a firm handle on this. Now I'm not saying right now seeing as the year just started but I think sooner rather than later would be good."

I stand there for a second just thinking about what he's told me and as I'm processing it all the bell rings signaling the start of school. I tell him I'll think about it as I turn to walk out and as I step through the frame, Santana walks in and we collide.

"Oh! Hey Brittany, didn't think I'd see you this early." She laughed a small laugh.

"Yeah I wasn't really planning on being here either." She looked at me confused. "Last minute thing." I then rushed out.

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