Chapter 24 - New Problems

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San's POV

"Knock knock."

I'm leaned up against my pillows on my bed, working on some assignments when I hear her voice.

"Hey B, what's up?" I pull my laptop down a bit, not closing it but moving the screen down from view, giving her my attention.

"I just wanted to come over and check on you. What'd the doctor say?"

"Oh ya know, just a grade 1 sprain. Nothing too serious, just have to stay off of it for a couple of weeks."

I push my glasses up a bit as she walks further into my room and sits on the edge of my bed, one leg tucked under herself.

"I'm sorry again by the way. It's the same ankle you fractured last year right?" She looks down at her clasped hands.

"Yeah but it's fine, I just have to stay off of it a little longer than typically. It was bound to happen again at some point ya know B? It just fully healed a couple months ago, of course it's more susceptible to reinjury." I shrug. "Now. I have a very important question for you."

"What is it?" She perks up, instantly attentive.

"Well.. seeing as I'm not supposed to walk too much on my foot for another day or so, and we have school tomorrow I may need your help getting to my classes. Of course I'm supposed to put a little pressure on it since it'll pretty much be day two and it shouldn't hurt much by then but ya know.. would you mind being my crutch for the last half of the day?"

"Just the end of the day? What about the beginning?"

"Well.. I don't need help, I'm sure I'll be able to get around okay.. I mostly just want to lean on a pretty girl.. if she's available that is." I look over at her roguishly.

Her face brightens a little and she responds.

"Ah I see.. well then I'm sure I can have that arranged for you."

There was a newfound energy in the air, charged with a feeling I couldn't ignore.

Sitting up carefully, I gesture for her to move toward me. I watch her practically crawl toward me on my bed and when she's close enough, I gently pull her closer by her jaw, enacting a sweet and soft kiss.

We pull apart momentarily but still stay close with our foreheads pressed together. I look between her eyes and I know she's thinking the same as me so I lean in again. My hand moves to her cheek, she places one hand down and shifts her weight as she moves my computer to the other side of my bed then puts her hand on my waist.

I deepen the kiss and she responds just as eager as me. Feeling confident, I move my other hand to her waist under her shirt. Brushing my thumb over her side, she hums in response. I feel her guiding me back against the bed so following the flow of things, I comply.

Turning to my side and attempting to straddle her, I'm reminded about my ankle with a sharp pain.

"Shit!" I hiss and pull back.

"Sorry sorry I got carried away, are you alright?" She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and looks at me warily.

"I think we both got a bit carried away." I laugh. "I'm okay don't worry, just tender still."

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