Chapter 18 - The Before Pt. 3

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Caitlyn's POV

"Dad I don't care what you have to say, I love her! I won't do what you're asking, never!"

"I'm not asking I'm telling! You can continue this life of sin outside the walls of this house with her, making no contact with us whatsoever, or stay with the rest of your family, living a normal life like you're meant to!"

"Are you serious?!?! You would rather me be miserable living this so called 'normal life' than happy and in love with her?"

"As long as you're with her, you're not my child." He said cold and pointedly.


"Hey babe!"

"Hey Sanny! So what did you have in mind for us to do today?"

"Hm... maybe we can just relax at my place? My dad's at work and I think my mom said she'll be out running errands all day."

"Sounds like fun, let's go." I grabbed her hand and laced our fingers together.

"Hey wait did something happen?" She pulled me back to her with our intertwined hand.

"What makes you think something happened?" I replied a bit too aggressively.

"Sorry. No nothing happened but what makes you think that?"

"I don't know, just a feeling I guess? It doesn't matter though, you said nothing happened so I believe you."

She pecked me on the lips and started walking. "Let's go before Lucas hogs the TV in the living room."

After a short walk from the park in her neighborhood to her house, we walked in the door and went our separate ways. Me to grab the blankets for the fort and her to grab the snacks for our movie.

"Okay I'm back, you got the junk?" I asked placing the blankets on the couch.

"Yup! Help me get the chairs and stuff to hold the blankets up?"

"Dining room here we come!"

Half an hour later we got the fort built, the movie chosen and the snacks set up, she pressed play and the movie began.

I'm trying to pay attention but all I can think of is what my father said earlier today.

San texted me shortly after that conversation, asking if we could hang out and I knew what I had to do. I immediately called Jess and explained, asking her if I could stay for a bit until I could figure something out, she asked her mom and by the time she responded I had as much of my room packed up as I could fit in my duffel bag and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" I heard his voice from across the room.

I stayed facing the door as I spoke. "You said it was Santana or this family.. you see the bag so I guess you see my answer too."

I took one last glance behind me at the man who was supposed to love me unconditionally and I swear I saw his heart break through his eyes. His face remained stoic though and he stood there silently waiting for my next move.

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