Chapter 3 - Unknown

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Sans POV

"I have a delivery for.... Santana Lopez?"

"Oh sweet my stuff is here!" I thanked the delivery guy, shut and locked the door then ran up to my room to open my stuff. Once we got here I convinced my parents to drop me off so I could get myself a desktop which is the first step in me completing my bedroom/gaming room, a day or two after we got here I had ordered some more stuff for my room to help with that. I decided not to set anything up until I had more stuff. When I'm done with it, it's going to look amazing. People don't really call me a gamer because I don't play as much as Lucas but even he knows I'm better than him and all of his friends.

I decided to turn on some music and played my "hyped" playlist because I was in a good mood and needed something to jam out to as I worked. I had finished putting everything up and together besides my chair and desktop. I decided to start setting up my PC while I assembled the chair and about midway through me putting the chair together the doorbell rings.

"Lucas! Get the door, now please!" I yelled from my room.

"I'm in the middle of a round cmon can't you just answer it?" He yelled back.

"I'm still setting up my PC AND putting this chair together. Are you sure you can't pass it to Sam or something??" I hoped I didn't have to stop and go downstairs.

"Yeah San I'm sure. Sorry but I'm about to beat the hardest level right now, you understand at least a little right?"

"Yeah yeah." I mumbled. "Fine I got it."

As I walk downstairs I think to myself the person at this door better know how to fight or have a really good reason for being here cause I was really in my element. I guess it wasn't too much of an inconvenience though seeing as I needed to grab something from down here and needed some water. I get to the door and open it to peeved to really care who it was.

"Who is it and what do you want?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Quinn, me and my friend are here to get Sam."

"I don't see anyone else..." I said as I peeked out the front door.

"Oh yeah she fell a little behind, bike chain fell off, she just told me to go on ahead." Quinn explained.

"Alright whatever just come in and shut the door whenever she gets here, Sam's upstairs he'll be down whenever." I told her as I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. "Sit on the couch or come up I don't really care just don't break anything."

As I made my way upstairs I heard the door shut and people talking, as I looked over the railing to tell Quinn to lock the top and bottom I saw a girl looking around with a bit of dirt or grease or something on her hands. I couldn't quite see her face but from what I could see she looked about my age with blonde, long flowing hair. It was slightly curled and she had it up in a ponytail. Her outfit was simple but still looked great and something about her just kept me staring.

When we made eye contact she froze and we just stood there for a second looking until she smiled at me. Her eyes were a deep blue, a blue that caught my eye and left me speechless. I couldn't look away no matter how hard I tried and her smile... I waved, gave a slight smile back and ran upstairs before I did something I would regret. As I left I felt my cheeks heat up slightly.

I went into my room before remembering they were here for Sam. I stood back up and walked over to Luca's room, took a breath and knocked. He said I could come in so I opened it and told Sam someone was there for him. He said he'd be down in a second so I walked over to the railing and spoke to them from there.

"Sam's on the game with my brother right now only time will tell when he's down." I told them from my spot trying to avoid the taller blondes gaze.

I asked them if they needed anything to which they told me they were fine and because of the way our house was designed there was a living room downstairs that the kitchen was openly connected to and a smaller room on the second floor right outside of my room. So I did what anyone would do.

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