Chapter 10 - The Before Pt. 1

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Sans POV

"Hey hey hey! What have you been up to today?" She smiled and asked as she walked up to me.

"Oh you know just the usual, fighting Lucas, helping Mamí with whatever and actually, guess who we just got?" I asked.

She looked at me perplexed before I held up my finger.

"Hold on" I said excitedly.

I went in the house looking for him and found the little guy curled up in my bed looking as adorable as ever. I feel kind of bad for waking him but I really want to show him off.

I walked over and gently picked him up whispering cute things to him and went back downstairs as I played with his paw.

"Say hello to Ace!" I cheered as I sat on the porch practically cradling him.

"Awe he's so cute!" She exclaimed. "When'd you get him?"

"Yesterday" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"So that's why you left practice early huh?"


We spent the next however long playing with Ace and talking about whatever until she had to go home.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow San!" She waved. "It looks like I'll have to hang out with you a lot more so I don't get replaced." She joked.

A few months later

"Alright guys I've gotta split." Jamie said on our walk from school then turned to leave.

We all usually hangout after school at one of our places but today obviously she had somewhere to be.

"You're not leavin us behind too are you J?" Caitlyn asked Jessica.

"No not yet but I will be leaving our hangout session early." She replied.

"Boooo bummer" I joked. "On a serious note though, it looks like you and Jamie are gonna be missing out, but I'm sure you both have a reason."

"Bye Jamie!" I yelled and waved at her before she got too far away.

"See you guys tomorrow" she waved back.

A few minutes later we made it to my house and were now sprawled out all over the place, me at my desk, Jessica on my bed and Caitlyn on the floor.

We had just been talking about whatever drama was happening at school and now we were just sitting there in the quiet, no one saying anything but all of us comfortable.

"I'll be right back, gotta go to the bathroom." Jessica left the room.

I was sitting cross legged on my desk chair just messing around with my hands when I felt something hit me.

I quirked my brow at her then continued on doing what I was doing until she threw something again.

"What the hell?" I looked at her.

"I'm bored."

"Be bored then." I breathily laughed.

"Aren't you bored?" She asked.

Her voice changed once she said that for some reason. I had looked up at her with a confused look and when our eyes met I saw something different in them.

"N-no. No I'm good." I blinked a couple times and looked away.

"You want to play a game?" I heard in the same voice. I looked over and saw her slowly moving towards me.

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