Chapter 15 - The Date

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San's POV

"Thanks Lucas, I'll be right back."

I walked up to the door and took a deep breath before knocking.

"Hi dear!" Mrs. P greeted me with a smile.

"Hey Mrs. P" I waved politely.

"Come in come in, Brittany should be down in a second." She invited me in and we went over to the couch as we waited.

"I know I'm a bit early" I nervously chuckled "guess I just couldn't wait to see her."

"Oh that's fine," she waved it off "she's been wandering around for the past half hour at least ready to go."

We laughed over that until Britts dad sat down. Now I'm nervous, I haven't actually spoken to him before and unlike Mrs. P, I haven't heard much of anything about him. He looked nice like everyone else in this house but still I had a reason to be worried.

"So Santana"

"Yes sir"

"How are you liking Lima so far?"

"Well, I haven't seen much of it yet because I'm always at cheer practice and schoolwork has taken up some time, but from what I have seen it's nice. Different from the hills and mountains from Colorado but still nice. One thing I really love about here is Breadstix though. Oh god Breadstix, so good and they have unlimited breadsticks? If old age doesn't kill me, those sticks will."

Whitney laughed at that but he kept his same studying expression as he nodded.

"How's school?" He asked.

"The classes aren't too bad-"

"So I assume your grades aren't bad?"

"Uhh they're good. A's and high B's."

"Good good. H-"

"Brittany's been very excited about this date tonight!" Mrs. P cut in.

I smiled as I looked down. "Yeah, I am too. I'm really hoping she likes what I've planned."

"Speaking of, what do you have planned? I've asked her but she says it's a surprise?"

"Haha yeah, at first it was because I wasn't actually sure about where I wanted to take her, don't tell her that though"

We laughed and I continued.

"I've been talking with my friends from back home the past few days about it and figured it all..."

I trailed off as I saw her at the top of the stairs.

"Wow" I breathed out.

Her mom turned to look behind her as I could only watch her descend the staircase. Even with how simple her outfit is, even though her hair was curled only slightly more than a normal school day, even though her makeup was minimal, even though she wasn't looking at me, she still managed to take my breath away.

"Oh sweetheart you look so beautiful!" Her mom commented as I stood up from my spot on the couch and watched her make her way downstairs.

When she reached the bottom of the stairs she looked at me and waved timidly before moving her hands behind her back and looking away. "Hey San" she said my name in a way that made my stomach do flips.

"Hey Britt" I stood and waved awkwardly. "You look, amazing" I told her, releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You look amazing too" she smiled with a slight blush.

I guess we were both a little nervous because we stood there quietly just sneaking looks at each other until, and I never thought I'd say this, thankfully, Quinn walked downstairs.

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