Chapter 20 - Clear Your Saturday's

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Brittany's POV

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Britt, hi Santana!" Kurt waved at us eagerly while Blaine stood off to the side having a conversation with the guy I assume is Shane.

"Hey Kurt, Mercedes" San nodded towards them.

"Hey girls! I am so glad we're hanging out together, it feels like it's been ages since I've seen y'all out of school." Mercedes greeted.

"Same! Let's go in and get this party started! Wooo!" I grabbed San's hand and pulled her with me inside while everyone else followed.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Mystery Escape Co., here you will be met with a series of 3 challenging rooms that you will have to escape in 90 minutes!"

All of us were standing in a waiting area just before entering the room, listening to the instructor, Alex, before we began.

"Now, before we begin, it should be know that firstly, you are not locked in. If you need to leave at any time, you can come out the door you came in. Secondly, all phones need to be left outside the room on the table. The coats and purses can be left out with it as well. You will have 90 minutes to escape, no more no less. And following that, we do reserve the right to stop the game for any reason. Do not stand on the furniture. For your safety, if an object is out of reach, there will be a tool to help you reach it."

At this Santana mumbled a quick and barely audible "safety, shmayfty."

I chuckled at that and swatted her arm in protest. Whispering a quiet 'pay attention' to her.

"Be careful handling props; any damages can be charged to the team, don't mess with outlets or light switches; they aren't part of the escape.
Don't pry open any lock boxes or trick boxes; try it, then leave it. A key or combination will only open one lock. Once you have used a key or combo, please leave it with the box or lock that it was used for." Alex continued on.

Hopefully there aren't too many more rules.. wouldn't be good to forget and get kicked out!

"A couple more things.. what you hear or see, leave here; do not share any puzzles, hints or clues. Share the fun, but don't spoil it! We will give you some clues throughout the room, however you MUST ask for a hint to be given one. Remember that sometimes in escapes there may be things that you can do to ruin a clue. For example: one person brought in a pocket knife, and unscrewed a box in the first round, which was a directional lock that held a key to the following room. They got kicked out before finishing the second round due to cheating. If you ruin one, there will be no way to finish the escape. The room host, me, will let you get as far as you can, but you will not finish the room. So, make sure you think twice before doing something that cannot be undone. Finally. We will take a picture, win or lose, and share it on our social media pages. With that said, if you have any questions, I am here. Now once your timer starts, these doors will unlock and you may begin! Have fun guys!" Alex then walked out the room and we were left to start.

"We've got this guys!" I enthusiastically cheered.

"Yeah! We've got this in the bag guys! We're gonna beat this!" Blaine jumped in with his own positivity.

Seconds later we heard Alex over a speaker, and the doors unlock.

"Yeah.. that totally beat us." Shane was the first to speak after we walked out to the lobby.

"Okay true it may not have gone as planned BUT it was fun right? I know I had fun at least." Kurt replied, turning around and speaking to all of us.

"Yeah Kurt! I don't know about the rest of you guys but I enjoyed it even though we didn't finish." I went over and gave him a side hug. "I think we did good anyways."

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