Chapter 7 - LuLu

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San's POV

"Mmrph" Something hit me.

"Buzz off" I groaned as I got hit again.

"Get up or you'll be late."

Lucas. Of course.

I internally rolled my eyes keeping my head against my pillow. "I'll be late. Go away."

I got hit again.

I lifted my head up, squinting because of how bright it was outside and huffed. "Lucas I swear if you hit me one more fuc-"

"Mom you're about to lose a child today!" I yelled as I got up and chased him out of my room.

"Oooooh I'm so scared" He laughed. He fucking laughed.

He ran down the stairs like this was some fun game and ran around the back of the couch.

"What are ya gonna do now huh" He teased as he stuck his tongue out at me. Seriously he is so childish sometimes, how is he older than me?

I ran around the side of the couch to get him but of course that was pointless. I stopped to think for a second and smirked deviously at him which got his attention. I watched as his eyes went from humorous to worried.

"San? What are you thinkin?" He asked cautiously.

I turned towards my room and walked away to get dressed. I curled my hair a bit threw on my Cheerios uniform put on some light makeup and grabbed my bag. I walked downstairs to eat and saw Lucas was already sitting at the table so I smacked the back of his neck as I walked past.

"OW! The HELL was that for??"

"Santana don't hit your brother." Mami 'scolded' as she continued to drink her coffee.

"Sorry Mami."

"Alright kiddos we should get going now." Papi said a few minutes after we had finished eating.

I called shotgun of course and went to hop in the front seat but Lucas ugh.

"Will you move? I clearly called it first." I stood there arms crossed.

"Hmmmm no I'm good here thanks." He smiled up at me knowing he was irritating me.

After a bit more arguing and an almost attempt at pulling him out the seat, I glared at him while he just scrolled through his phone.

"Hey LuLu" That got his attention.

"Can you not call me that?"

"Why not? I mean it's a nice name." I shrugged knowing I was getting to him.

"Yeah? Well not for me." He grumbled.

"Aww LuLu I didn't upset you did I?" I took his phone while he was distracted.

"Dude will you give me back my stuff?!?" Yeah he wasn't happy. He shouldn't have messed with me though.

"LuLu huh? I've heard worse names. Honestly." There was light laughter. I whipped my head in the direction of that laugh.

"Hey Santana." She grinned. "Hey Lucas."

"Brittany!" I was a bit surprised to see her here considering I've never seen her over here in the mornings any other time. "Wait what are you doing here?"

"Right well Quinn's feelin a little off this morning so we agreed she'd stay home today. We usually walk together but obviously we can't now. Uh yeah so I figured I'd see if you wanted- either of you, I wanted to see if either or both wanted to walk with me?" She looked at us hopeful.

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