Chapter 2 - First day

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Brittany's POV

It's been about a week since we last helped the Lopez' and I saw Lucas and heard Santana. I've seen her at the Lima Bean a few times, but I haven't seen her face yet, only heard her name and saw her walking out. Sam and Lucas have been hanging out a lot though, so I always see him around, and our parents seem to be really close now so really I've seen everyone except for her. But now it's the first day of school and I'll be showing her and her brother around the school which means I'll have plenty of time to get to know her.

"Brittany, Quinn's here Im sending her up!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey Britt, ready for the first day?"

"Hmmm define ready?" I asked as I grabbed a pair of blue jean overalls, with a short sleeved, light yellow tee, that has a drawing of a flower on it. "Ready to see the same people and struggle in the same classes? Or ready to show around people that don't actually care?" I asked bored. "If any of those then yes, totally ready." I walked around my room picking up various pieces of jewelry and my perfume.

"...okay well," She slowly said. "What about Santana? You'll see her first thing right? So that's good. I mean you've been talking about her recently so I assume you're maybe... a bit interested in her?"

"What? I don't think so Q. I mean I don't even know what she looks like OR what she's like. She's a complete mystery."

"A mystery that you're interested in, don't deny it." She said with this smug grin.

"Whatever, let's just go before we're late." I rolled my eyes playfully as I put on a bit of perfume, grabbed a pair of sandals and walked downstairs.

San's POV

"Lucas get your sister up! We've got to leave soon." I heard my mother telling Lucas.

I quickly and quietly rolled out of bed and crawled underneath waiting for him. After about a minute, I heard him grumbling about some crap per usual and saw my door open.

"Santana if you're not up wake up and if you are hurry up, we need to leave soon." He plainly spoke. I stayed silent.

"Santana." He started walking over to my bed, I'm assuming to pulling the covers off, which is when I grabbed his ankles.

"AHH! DAMN IT SAN! REALLY?" He screamed.

As I pulled myself from under the bed, I had to grab my sides because I was laughing so much.

"Really Santana? What the hell was that for?" He questioned.

"Fun." I lifted my shoulder nonchalantly and smiled.

"Hurry up and get ready, we need to leave." He started walking away annoyed but I had him stopping dead in his tracks.

"I'm not going to school today."

"You can't just skip. Mamí wouldn't let you."

"Oh really?" I questioned. "MAMÍ!" I shouted as I walked out of my room to the banister.

"Yes Mija?"

"I'm not feeling that well right now..." I moaned. "I don't know if I'll be able to make it to school today." I reached the kitchen where my mother was downstairs, pouting.

I looked over my shoulder at Lucas who had a look that said she'll never buy it.

"Ay pobrecita. Im sorry... are you sure you can't go? At least for a couple hours or the walkthrough just to get your bearings?" Mamí asked sympathetically.

"Nooo Mamí, i just want to sleeeeep.. please can I stay home today? If I miss anything, they can just send it home with Lukey." I pleaded.

She stood still for a second thinking, when my father walked in the kitchen for his coffee, bagel and briefcase.

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