Chapter 14 - The Before Pt. 2

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Sans POV

I looked up from my spot on my bed when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey. How are you holdin up?" It was Caitlyn.

I just put one of my hands over hers and looked back down at the picture in my lap. I honestly hated that question. It did nothing for me only than frustrate me when I didn't actually know the answer.

Besides I'd lie every time I answered so what did it matter?

"Jamie said she'll be here in a few minutes. Jess is at the store with her dad so she has to wait but she'll be here soon." She went on.

I just nodded because what else could I do? I felt the bed dip beside me and her arms wrap around my shoulders.

We sat there quietly, I know she was just waiting for me to say something.

"We haven't even had him that long." I whispered through silent tears. "Why did this have to happen to him? What did he do to deserve this?"

She just pulled me to her and held me as I hugged the picture and sobbed. When my tears finally subsided I heard a knock on my door.

"Can we come in?" I heard Jamie ask.

I didn't say anything, just looked at Caitlyn giving her my answer through my eyes. She nodded and Jamie was the next to sit beside me.

No one said anything until Jess got there. They all shared some of their favorite things and stories about Ace. I couldn't. It was too difficult.

They had to leave eventually and I just laid in my bed for the rest of the day. I don't think I could move if I wanted to. It was thankfully Friday so I could stay up as long as I wanted balling my eyes out.

The next day

"Santana, Caitlyn's here to see you." My  father called to me from downstairs.

"Hey babe. Any better today?" She asked.

"Yeah my bestfriend died yesterday but you know what? I feel fine now. Definitely wasn't crying a few minutes ago." I replied sarcastically.

She sat on my bed with one leg tucked under the other and the other hanging off the bed. She just looked at me sympathetically and reached over to grab my hand. She just held it and caressed the back of it.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"No, I probably shouldn't have asked that."

I laid back against my pillows and she followed suit, we stayed that for a few minutes in silence as I stared at the ceiling thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. I wanted nothing more than to hold him again but I couldn't and the thought of that had me crying again.

I sat up cross legged and cried into my hands, she sat up and rubbed my back gently. I guess this was her way of trying to make me feel better.

It wasn't helping.

"C-can you just go right now please?" I sobbed out. Before she could say anything I spoke again. "Please. I just need to be a-alone right now."

She pressed her lips against my cheek lightly. "If you need me I'll be here waiting. I love you." And with that she walked out.

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