Chapter 26 - The Before Pt. 5

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San's POV

"I should've never listened to you!"

Caitlyn rounds on me as I walk into my room.

"Whoa whoa hold on what's going on?" I pause, taking in her frazzled state.

"What's wrong is I thought maybe just maybe you were right and she deserved my listening to her!"

"Okay Cait. Stop for a second." I put my hands out in front of me cautiously.

"No Santana you don't get it!" She rages on.

"Will you just stop for a second and frickin TALK?!? Calmly?? Why do we have to yell? How do you expect me to understand you if you're going off the rails like this?" I throw back.

"Fine." She sits on my bed and takes a breath.

"Thank you." I sit at my desk. "Now will you please talk to me? Tell me what happened."

"She's trying to move us." She says calmly, sighing into her hands.

"She's what? Wait move you guys? Where?"

"I'm not sure.. I kind of blocked out everything after that.. but yeah.. she told me she's leaving my dad."

"That's a good thing."

"Yeah but she's also moving because of that. Says we all need a fresh start. She's trying to see if her job has any positions she can transfer to.. out of state." She looks over at me with tear stained cheeks.

"Oh no.. Cait.."

"Yeah now you see the problem. And to think it all could've been avoided if I had just kept avoiding her!" She laughs bitterly.

"You know that's not true Cait.. you're still her daughter no matter how much you wish you weren't. The alternative would've been her knocking on my door, jess' door, Jamie's, or literally anyone's door that knows you, and forcibly moving you. And you know that."

I look at her sympathetically and continue. "At least this way you have some time to prepare."

She sucks her teeth and looks at me utterly defeated, leaning on her thighs.

"I just... Sanny I can't.. god knows how far away I'll be from you, Jess, Jamie, all my other friends.. I mean.. the only good thing is we're going into high school next year so I won't be totally alienated but.."

"I get it.. you've grown up here, spent your whole life so far here. Of course this isn't going to be easy.." I sympathize. "I know it'll be okay though, I mean.. we don't know how far the move is, we can still text and call. It won't be easy but I'm sure the four of us will keep our bond."

"How are you so sure? You really have no idea! I mean- I could friggin move to Alaska for all we know! Or- or I don't know maybe y'all will move on without me and forget, find a new friend to fill my spot! We. Don't. know!"

"Caitlyn I love you but you have got to control your emotions here! I'm trying to sympathize with you and try to help but you just keep yelling at me! You didn't have to come here, you chose to but me? I didn't choose to get yelled at by my girlfriend! I mean come on now!" I toss my hands up in exasperation.

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