Chapter 8 - The Following Week

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Brittany's POV


Me and Lucas have our first study session after school today thankfully since Mr. Schuester decided to give us a "small writing assignment" next week and I definitely am not prepared.

Yesterday Sam preformed some country song I forgot the name of, I'm bad with names... Mercedes and Tina as promised went today and they did "Dog Days Are Over" I remember that because it has 'dog' in the title and even though dogs aren't as cool as Lord Tubbington they're still really cute and some are fluffy too!

Ever since I came over Santana's been in her room which kind of sucks because I want to talk to her. Can't though of course because she's been in her room. I can hear a lot of expletives being thrown around so I can only assume she's playing one of her games. I want to play with her.

"You got that?"

Oh shoot. "Uhh... I'm sorry Lucas can we take a break please? This is too hard, I can't focus." I pouted too, no one can resist the pout so I've been told.

"Yeah sure Britt." He smiled at me. "10 minutes?"

"Thank you." I sighed out.

I wanted to go and hang out with Santana but I didn't want to interrupt whatever she was doing either. I want to ask Lucas but then he might think I don't want to hang out with him, I mean yeah I don't want to but I also don't want to be rude.

"Hey is Santana busy? I wouldn't want to disturb her if she is." I asked cautiously.

"Ouch you don't want to hang out with me?" He looked serious. Now I feel bad. "I'm kidding, yeah I'm sure she's off the system now or something judging from the sudden quietness. I'd say it's safe to go."

"Okay thanks Luke." I got up from the chair and went over to the door. "I just think maybe we shouldn't spend all of our study breaks together because who knows how long this'll last? And what if you got upset because I couldn't understand something? Or what if we hang out too much and get annoyed with each other or-"

"Whoa there Britt, It's okay I totally get it."  He laughed. "I was only messing with you when I said that, don't worry about it honestly."

I just nodded with a tight lipped smile, turned and left.

"You mean to tell me... that you joined glee club, miss 'the only thing I need is cheer', miss 'glee club is for losers', joined... because Brittany asked you to?" I heard someone ask.


"Wowwwww... you got it bad." The same voice laughed.

I know eavesdropping is bad but I heard my name and as much as I should knock, I listen.

"Seriously. We all know if Caitlyn had asked you that you would've shut it down immediately." A different voice spoke.

"Can we not talk about her?" Santana groaned.

"Look, you can't avoid this forever." The first voice said.

"Well we aren't talking about her today." Santana said.

"Okay, that's cool. We will however talk about your attraction to Brittany." The second person said.

"Do we have to?"

Okay now I definitely shouldn't be listening.  Turning around, I go to their bathroom and stare in the mirror for a moment.

Does she actually like me?

Sighing, I make my way back to her door.

"Soooo more than her?" I heard someone say.

"Have you been paying attention at all?" Someone else said. "The look on her face says it all. She's not even denying it!"

I take a breath and knock on her door even though it was a bit open to announce my presence.

"Come in."

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