Chapter 4 - Second first day

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San's POV

Okay... what she saw me in yesterday was not good. So I'll have to- wait... what the hell am I thinking? Nope, no thinking about her right now just get ready to go like you normally would.

I went through my dresser and closet and grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and a loose, long sleeve black crop top. I put on some light makeup, grab my bag, throw a hoodie in there just in case I get cold or something, make sure my charger's there and finally go downstairs to eat.

A few minutes after I finished it was time to go so I put on my combat boots and ran out the door calling shotgun. No one said anything for most of the ride, we were just listening to the radio, well I had my headphones in I don't know about them, thankfully the school wasn't that far from home so it was relatively short drive.

We had finally gotten to school and I was the first one out of the car saying my goodbye and walking away. Because I skipped yesterday I had no idea where I was going and stopped to wait for Lucas because I know we had some of the same classes. When he finally caught up we walked to our first class together since it was the same.

That was the most boring hour of my life. Why am I even in Spanish if I speak it? And that Schuester dude... not weird at all.

As I'm lost in my mind on my way to my next class someone runs into me and whoever it was spilled their drink all over me.

"Hey what the hell?!? Watch it!" I yelled aggravated. "You just ruined my clothes!"

"Sorry about that, oh geez sorry some jerk pushed me." A tall, pale guy said.

As mad as I was I couldn't deny he knew how to dress and I admire that because most guys definitely don't.

"What's your name?"

"Hummel, Kurt Hummel."

"Well Kurt, what are you doing after school today?" I could always use a new shopping buddy now that I'm here and Lucas ain't cuttin it.

"Nothing" he said uncertain. "Why?" He looked at me quizzically.

" I just moved here so I haven't seen much, but from what I have seen you're the only guy that knows how to dress in this town and for some reasons even if you didn't crash into me I feel like I would've noticed you anyways." I told him.

"You know how to stand out and I admire that, so.." I take a " kick me" sign off of some poor kids back, rip off a piece of it and write my number down. "Text me."

I then walk away to the bathroom to get whatever he was drinking off and change into my hoodie before next period. Of course I was late but I didn't really care. As I walked in to class the teacher looked at me and said you're late as if I didn't know, just took out a piece of gum, walked to the back of the class to sit down and on my way back fake gasped and said:

"Nooo I thought I was early." And sat down and popped my gum, earning some laughs, "ooohs" and more from the class.


I found out Mr. Taylors is one of the strictest and meanest teacher in the school, so the fact that he would randomly call on me to answer a question which I'd always get right mixed with my "stunt" (his words) which I'm "lucky i wasn't sent to the principal for" I guess gave me some credibility or something. It didn't seem like a big deal to me but all of a sudden I'm walking down the halls and random people are going "woo Lopez" and crap like that.


As I get to lunch Kurt comes up to me and grabs my arm pulling me towards his table, taking me by surprise. Before I could even get a word out we had made it to his table. As I sat down I recognized two other people sitting there, I think her name was Quinn and Sam was other. The rest, which was about 7 others, I didn't know nor had I seen, I don't think so anyways.

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