Chapter 17 - Brittainecedes

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Sam's POV

It's been a few weeks since Britt and Santana have started dating and I have to admit, although it broke my heart to see her so sad when Santana wasn't speaking to her and made me a little wary about the both of them, it's clear how happy she's been since they started dating and even though she's only been my sister for a couple years, all a brother could ask for his sister is her happiness.

I just can't believe it took me so long to realize they even liked each other!


"Heeerrree's Sammy!" I announced as I burst into Luke's room.

"Hey dude! Come to get your ass kicked in this game!"

"Ha! Yeah okay, we'll see about that."

An hour later

"Sorry L but I've gotta admit... that's kind of funny." I said, after he told me the story of Santana hiding under the bed and grabbing his ankles.

"Ha! Might be funny now, but when it happens to you, the funny goes away."

"Nah I don't think so."

"You say that now..."

"I'm hungry, you have any snacks?"

"Yeah, cmon."

He paused the game and pulled me down to the kitchen.

As I leaned against the counter and watched him rummaging through the cabinets for a few minutes, he turned around empty handed.

" I may have just lied to you...we had snacks this morning... I'm blaming it on Santana, yeah she ate em all."

"Hahah it's cool, we can just go to the store or somethin." He nodded and we went to put on our shoes.

"What do you think our sisters are up to right now?" I asked as we made our way out the door.

"That's a good question... I dunno probably painting their nails or something boring like that." He laughed.

"You know what though? Have you noticed anything about them recently?" He asked.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Like... they've gotten closer right?"

"Well yeah... it's actually kinda cool that our sisters are so close now, imagine if they hated each other... that would be so weird."

"It would be weird, because I probably wouldn't stop hanging out with you. But that's beside the point, what I meant by they're getting closer is.. I think somethings going on between them.."

"You don't think..." I started. "Dude, cmon that's crazy. Our sisters aren't dating."

"How do you know?"

"What makes you think they are?" I asked genuinely confused and interested.

"Okay, you weren't here to see this but right before the both of you left that day, when your phone died and Britt came over, I'm pretty sure that was the first time both of them met and dude you should have seen the look on San's face when Britt asked if she was going to school the next day. Whenever I'm helping Brittany, during our breaks, she always goes to see what Santana's doing. Every time without fail."

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