Chapter 5- Cheerios

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San's POV

"Come on ladies! Get those knees up!" Sue yelled to the people she had running up and down the bleachers.

"Backs straight! Knees bent let's go!" The group she had doing lunges.

"Get those arms shoulder width apart! Lower... lower... I want to see right angles in those arms!" Push ups.

"Elbows directly underneath your shoulders, wrists in line with your elbows! Let's go!" Group doing planks of course.

What I would give to be out there with them. It was a good couple of months and we won gold in every competition we went to. It was great, amazing even. But of course all good things must come to an end.


"Santana!" Britt yelled as I fell to the ground holding my foot.

"Damn it!" I yelled in pain.

"San, oh shoot I'm sorry, where does it hurt?" Britt questioned to which I pointed at my ankle.

"Oh man I'm so sorry." She looked down with a frown. I swear it looked like she was going to cry.

"Hey hey hey, no it's- it's okay I'm fine. You don't wanna mess up that pretty little face of yours frowning like that." I brushed my thumb over her lips and and caressed her cheek.

"But this is all my fault." She pouted and put her head down. "If  I hadn't-"

I moved my hand to her chin and gently moved her face so she was looking up at me. "It wasn't your fault. Understand that. Please."

*present time*

A week... it's been a week since I got hurt and the doctor wants me to stay off of my foot for an extra week in addition to the week I still have just to be safe since I already got hurt. We only have a couple of months before school's over and here I am again hurt just before a big competition. Just my luck. They were taking a 5 minute break before they rotated for water and stuff which is when Britt jogged over to me.

"Hey babe, how are you holdin up." She asked sincerely once she reached me.

"Oh ya know ecstatic to be on the sidelines." I sighed.

She looked down. "I know you told me not to blame myself but I feel bad."

"You shouldn't. This would've happened one way or another, you heard the doctor, it's a common thing." I reassured her for the nth time since it happened. She shook her head and we just stared at each other for a minute with these lazy grins until I spoke again.

"How's it going out there? Sue's not working you guys too hard is she?" I asked trying to keep the conversation away from me.

"Same as usual just boring again because you're not out there with me."

"Britt." I pouted.  "I'll be back soon remember, just another week."

"Yeah I know but you should be out there with me nowww." She bounced in place a little bit making me giggle.

Just then Sue called them back. When Britt turned to face me and say bye I kissed her and smiled. She smiled back and stood for a second which is when I shooed her away.

"Go go go hurry before Sue makes you stay later or something because you took too long. I needz you to myself this afternoon."

"Really, why?" She asked.

"You'll see." I teased. "But you won't know if you're staying after with Sue so go."

"Alright alright I'm going. I'll see you after." She smiled and ran back.

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