Chapter 13 - 2 Weeks Later

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San's POV

"You know what, I'm glad we're hanging out right now. You're actually pretty alright to be around."

"Gasp! Was that a compliment?"

"Shut it" Quinn laughed and pushed me jokingly. "Seriously though I'm glad we're doing this. I have to admit I had my doubts about you but after today? Yeah you're alright Lopez."

We walked throughout almost the entire mall and had just stopped at the food court to get something.

We've hung out a few times since she brought it up in Glee a couple weeks ago but it was never for very long or someone else would've joined us so this is actually our maybe third or fourth time hanging out just the two of us.

"So... how have things been with Britt?"

I looked at her quizzically. "Uhh good, why do you ask?"

Whenever we get together the topic of Britt and I doesn't usually come up but when it does, it's random and often has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

"No reason really, just curious."

I just nodded my head and stayed silent waiting for the rest.

"When's the last time you guys talked?"

"Most recently? Right before we got here." I responded plainly.

"Ya know-"

"I swear Fabray" I cut her off. "If you ask me another question pertaining to Britt and I, and keep beating around the bush, i promise, you will end up in one."

"Geez alright fine." She held her hands up in defense. "I'm just curious about you both is all. I mean it's been like a month and a half since that whole situation and you're both still just friends. You and I both know how dumb that is." She rolled her eyes.

I sighed. "Look Fabray, I like her, she likes me, yes we know this. I just don't think it would be good to start something right now. We're still in high school after all and who knows what will happen after? I sure don't and yeah it'd be nice to be with her but we'd last until college time hit, then what?"

"Forgive me Britt," she looked up then back to me "you sound stupid. You and I both know that's not the reason why you won't be with her."

"And how would you know that?"

"Britt and I are best friends. Come on now. I may not know exactly what happened but I know enough."

"Even if that isn't the reason, she shouldn't want to be with me."

Now she sighed. "Why is that?" She asked tiredly. "Wait let me guess, "I'm bad for her", "she could do so much better", "I'm only trouble", "she deserves better than me", "I'm damaged goods" am I close?"

I laughed. "Ass"

"What?!? Don't tell me you weren't going to say that."

"For your information, I actually wasn't."

" Oh really? Then what were you going to say?"

"Simple. She's the sun and I'm the moon. She's light and I'm dark, she's nice, I'm rude. We're like, total opposites!"

We sat there eating some fries quietly before she finally spoke again.

"Opposites attract." She smirked.

2 Weeks Later

"Hey Britt, can we talk?"

"Sure what's up?"

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