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Hey there stranger and my name is Samantha Rodriguez. I'm a huge directioner and possibly know everything about them. Except maybe their phone numbers but I am working on it. I'm from Denver Colorado and work at a local diner.

I'm a waitress,yeah go ahead and make fun of it but is the best job I've ever had because I get to work their with best directioner friend Desirae. We have a great time messing around eating free food with chocolate milk shakes! We were trying to see who could fit the most fries in their mouth when a group of five laughing boys walked in.

"Sammy! Go get that order." my boss yelled.

"Um..okay" I said my mouth still full from fries. I slowly walked over to the group of boys trying to chew my fries but I had a lot of them in my mouth. As soon as I reached the table I knew who they were. I was so embarrassed. Here I am in front of the biggest boy band in the world with a load of fries in my mouth.

"Can I take your order." I said trying to hide the food that was in my mouth. Niall broke out laughing his adorable laugh causing the others to laugh with him. the boys basically ordered the entire menu so I just circled menu items.

I finally finished my fries when I went back to give the cook their orders. I walked over to Desirae telling her one direction was in our town diner. She took a glance in their direction making complete eye contact with Harry styles. I laughed as she hid behind me. We were laughing about our idiot Math teacher when I felt someone looking down on us. I turned around to see Harry. I quickly got out of the way so he could talk to Desirae. She was dying to meet him.

Desiraes P.O.V.

Harry Styles was staring directly at me with his glowing green orbs. I couldn't help but blush even though I hadn't spoken. Harry slowly lifted his hand to scratch the back of his neck. He seemed almost nervous but then it hit me. He didn't want to talk to me he wanted to talk to that bleach blonde girl behind me. Wow can't beleive I fell for that. I got out of the chair to get out of his way. I was walking towards Samantha when I felt a hand grab my shoulder. My first instinct was to go all ninja on him so I slowly turned around. It was yet again Harry.

"H-h-hi." I managed to stammer out.

I mentally facepalmed because of my idiotcy. He smirked at my attempt to speak to him.

"Hey love what's your name." he said with his slow accent. When he called me love I felt butterflies in my stomache.

"Desirae." I said finally manageing to speak. I smiled waiting for him to reply instead the blonde came up behind him and kissed him. Well that was annoying. Here I am trying to talk to him and this girl is basically swallowing him. I patiently waited for him to finish but when he didn't I walked over to Sammy who was now having an eating contest with Niall.

I laughed at that. I was always telling her that she was a bottomless pit who could eat the world supply of Nandos. I heard the door open and turned my head to see who it was. It was my ex-boyfriend Eric. He came close towards me so he was breathing down my neck.

"Hey Desirae. I missed you." he slurred. I could smell the tequila in his breath. I slapped him hard. He deserved it after what he did to me. He deserved much much more but at this moment I didn't want to get fired so that was all I did.

Eric Grabbed my wrists hard so I couldn't move out of his grasp.

"ERIC GET OFF OF ME!!" I yelled. As soon as I said that he slapped me across my face. It stung. After that I was mad. I was getting ready to kick him in the baby makers when someone tapped his shoulders. It was Harry. Eric turned around and Harry punched Eric in his nose. Blood was gushing through his hands which he was using to stop the blood flow.

"Get.Out." I said clenching my teeth. Eric stumbled up walking through the door but not before sending me a nasty glare. My face still stung from when he slapped me. Harry hugged me tight and whispered in my ear.

"You are always safe with me." And for the first time in my life I actually beleived what a boy said. For the first time in my life I felt content. It was still weird though considering I had just met him.

"Wait a second, who was the blonde?" I asked sonfused.

"I don't even know." he said laughing slightly. he had an adorable laugh, just in case you were wondering.

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